drug and alcohol rehab

Running Into Old Friends at an Inpatient Rehab Program?

Question by that Kid: Running into old friends at an Inpatient Rehab program?
Weird situation: I have a friend who is mandated by court to attend an inpatient rehab program for a variety of reasons. We are very supportive and he will be attending shortly, except he’s been worried because he just found out for a fact that an old “friend” who is also a drug abuser, will be present at the same place. They have some kind of bad history between them. I want my friend to be successful w/o unecessary obstacles, any suggestions?!?

Best answer:

Child Support in California Under the Table Jobs?

Question by *: child support in California under the table jobs?
In a California child support situation where the mother has custody and the father is to pay child support but works under the table….how does that work? He could claim he is older, sick/hurt, out of work because of the economy, and is not working. In this case I know he is and spends his money drinking, doing meth, and setting up drug deals for extra cash. Is the system so broke that he will get away with not taking care of his responsibilities?
Thanks for the advice…

IS THis a Relapse?

Question by Marty N: IS THis a Relapse?
This person has had (I would think) a drinking problem/alcoholic. Been to jail for dui, been on several month long drunks. Had to go to the hospital and get detoxed.
Now she says Bill Wilson is bullshit. The entire modern theologhy of “alcoholic” is not correct. She has had total success with drinking for a month. 3-4 drink limits, no problems. IS she right and found a way, or is this a relapse?
P.S. in the past one drink put her on a serious drunk.
This controlled drining started AFTER all the detox, legal problems, very intense non-partial study of AA and the like minded. And AFTER no drinking for 8-months. It seems as though she has turned it around. A thing in my opinion according to AA is not possible. I have talke to her in much detail about this. Everything I am witnessing is proving that she may have done the impossible. This chick was a true alcoholic as defined by AA according to me.

Sue Dr for Defamation of Character?

Question by Christina: Sue Dr for defamation of character?
My question is over the last few years I have had to go to my local hospital that has 11-12 full time PA’s, DO’s, or MD’s and one of the DO’s is the ER’s Dept medical director. I have had to go to the ER on an average of 2-3 times a month over the last 4 years for verious reasons. But of my reasons out of 20 times I rarely ask for PAIN medicine. I’ve gotten pain medication maybe 1 out of 15 times. Each time its usually potassium or saline I get. I get potassium more than anything cause I have hypokalemia which causes my HR to go tachycardia. I also recently found out secondary adrenal problems, I’ve had BAD migrains, Ive had several cyst pop due do bad endometriosis (which caused me to have my uterus taken out last year at the age of 26), hypotension. Among other problems. Anyways, this one DO who is in charge has basically taken it upon himself to put into the computer system that Im not allowed pain meds from the hospital cause my trips there. But im not a “frequent flyer” is what my nurse friends tell me. Im not a drug seeker. I seek potassium more than anything. This DO has also called an old dr of mine and told him I was a hypochondriac. When actually I do have problems with me. So My question is when I got into a car wreck that wasnt my fault, guess who was in charge that night? HE WAS. he wouldnt give me medicine and I was in extreme pain. 2 other drs have told me HE (this DO) went in front of the board a while ago and made it impossible to get pain meds when I go to the ER now. But with my HX of having pain. 2 months ago I also had an attack where my HR got up to 189 and they refused to give me pain meds, which is what they usually would give cause the pain is soooo bad cause of PSVT. So Can I sue this Dr for Defamation of character? Or something else. He’s always rude. None of his staff likes him, and for him to take my rights away when I get potassium way more than anything is crap. What are my rights???
So you know, when you have CHEST pain… MY DR tells me to get the ER. or when I’ve passed out cause my BP is 80/30 I have to go the ER. I havent been to the ER as much cause of my recent diagnoses of the adrenal problem and the medicine im on now is helping. Im also finally on HIGH amounts of KLOR-CON (potassium). If you read about adrenal issues maybe you would understand. You dont have to be so rude!!!
WOW. You guys think I like to just hang out at the ER for the no reason. I DO have a regular dr. You dont even know my background. Im 27, have had a hysterectomy, 8 colonoscopies, have FM, hypokalmeia, cyst of the hypothamamus (causes extreme migraines), adrenal issues, 4 staph infections in both breasts, hypotension (that caused me to be hospitalized for 4 days), ischemic colitis (hospitalized for 2 weeks), PSVT (causes my HR to get up to 200 at times and stay there for 2 hrs and very painful. You all are telling me that when Im bleeding from my ass, my heart is going to jump out of my chest, or my BP is sooo low I black out, Im suppose to just sit at home and pretend NOTHING has happened.

Brother With a Serious Drug Problem?

Question by flower: Brother with a serious drug problem?
My brother is addicted to crack? He also have a mental problem at well. He is constantly in and out of jail on theft charges to support his habit. The judge just give him a few months in jail and when he gets out he back to where he started. We have numerous rehab places and they all charges horrendous fees that nobody can afford. Being so desperate of him loosing his life over drug we have also written in to some of the tv shows and beg for help. I just don’t understand why there are not inpatient programs out there that can help drug addicts. I feel like we are running out of time. My sister is the power of attorney over his finances i don’t know if that may be of any help with my questions. If anyone know of any resources or anyway of us getting him permitted into a program in Georgia this would be greatly apprecited? If anyone can tell me if they have experience this and what work for their family member that would be greatly as well? DESPERATELY NEEDING HELP TO SAVE MY BROTHER!

What Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Center Do?

Question by : what drug and alcohol rehabilitation center Do?

Best answer:

Answer by James Ronn
They provide treatment for drug and alcohol addiction.They follow their program in various steps.Some one told me about an rehab centre
http://www.drugandalcoholrehabhouston.com which usses different types of treatment programs for addictions.And by this life of an addictions gets fine .

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