drug addicts

I Have a Sister Who Has Metal Problems and She Is Addicted to Heroin and She Is a Stripper What Can I Do >?

Question by taybear1600: i have a sister who has metal problems and she is addicted to heroin and she is a stripper what can i do >?

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My Daughter Needs Drug Rehab but We Can’t Afford It, Any Suggestions?

Question by bumble100bee: my daughter needs drug rehab but we can’t afford it, any suggestions?
My daughter is addicted to heroin, we cant afford drug rehab. Rehab costs about $ 7500.00 a month. She has been arrested twice. I have been trying to help her but there is nothing I can really do. Heroin is a bad drug to withdrawal from, and she is trying to do it herself. She doesn’t have insurance and I am on such a tight budget. Without help the chances are she will start using again. She gets violent when she is trying to withdrawal. I worry because she has a two-year old girl and I don’t want my grandchild to be raised around it. I pay for the baby to go to the sitter. Her boyfriend, (the babies father) is no help because he is addicted too. Does anyone have any suggestions?
I noticed the the nasty answers, let me clarify, Childrens services is involved. My daughter and grandchild live with me and I pay for and take her to the sitter everyday. There is no help where I live at. She is not on parole so I cant go to the court for help. This is the first time in weeks I have been on my computer, thank you, and I got it to get her some help.

Best College Degrees to Open Drug Rehab?

Question by Nacole: best college degrees to open drug rehab?
I have dreamed of opening a drug rehab for years. Half of my family and an ex are drug addicts, and it disgusts me how some rehabs are like spas and don’t actually teach them how to survive with their addiction and not use. (For the sake of getting to my point I will leave it at that) I am about to start my sophomore year in college and am trying to figure out the education I need to open my own drug rehabilitation center. Part of my demands it be nonprofit, but I will have to see which is ultimately best. I know I need business knowledge and addiction related knowledge. What I have come up with is majoring in sociology and minoring in psychology. Both only taking classes related to deviance, criminology , abnormal behavior, stuff like that. And take any prerequisites for business and then get masters in business administration (MBA).
Does this sound good? Would another route be better, if so what degrees? I would love if I could just go from a bachelors, but I don’t know. Any suggestions would be great, thanks. Please only serious answers. Thanks in advance for all your help.

Who Is the Most Talented Tattoo Artist in Illinois?

Question by David: who is the most talented tattoo artist in Illinois?
I have hand drawn and other pics too that i need to know if someone has the skill to do them?

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What’s the Connection Between Drug Use and HiV? Will Addiction Treatment Lessen the Spreading of HIV and AIDS?

Question by annaliese r: What’s the connection between drug use and HiV? Will addiction treatment lessen the spreading of HIV and AIDS?
I do know that they’re somehow interrelated. I was just curious as to how addiction treatment could possibly lessen the spreading of the aforementioned diseases.

Best answer:

Answer by alicia c
Drug addiction treatment would be able to reduce the spread of AIDS/HIV because drugs users are more likely to get affected by such diseases. Treating drug addicts will definitely help. Studies have shown that those who inject drugs who do not let themselves get subjected to treatment are six times more liekly to get infected with HIV or AIDS, as opposed to those who let themselves get treated.

Drug Questions?

Question by Kat: Drug Questions?
I was doing my health homework and came to some questions I couldn’t find in the texbook after I looked for them like a billion times. Well, here are the questions-
-________violence is violence toward a family memeber
-a psychoactive gas inhaled to produce euphoria
-a confidential telephone service
-a legal narcotic given to drug addicts to block withdrawal symptons
-any use of an illegal drug or misuse of a legal drug
-reduced sensitivity to a drug

I will really appreciate it if you helped me.

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