drug addicts

I Need Some Recent, Reliable Statistics; Care to Help?

Question by Amethyst: I need some recent, reliable statistics; care to help?
I would very much like these statistics from reliable, recent sources:
What percentage of drug abusers become addicted
What percentage of teenagers use illegal (NOT prescription) drugs
What amount of money the U.S. has spent on the war on drugs so far this year.
How many arrests out of 1000 (or 100 or 10; doesn’t really matter just out of a number) are drug-related i.e. possession, use, selling
How many people each year die from tobacco
How many people each year die from alcohol poisoning
How many people each year die from alcohol-induced car accidents
What percentage of illegal drug addicts relapse after admitting themselves to treatment
What percentage of convicts in prison on drug-related charges were addicted to drugs at the time of the crime
Please include all of your sources. These statistics should be at least as recent as 2005, and if possible more recent than that. Thank you to anyone who answers.
I have googled these to no end! If you are not going to give me the actual statistics, please don’t answer!

What’s Worse the Effects of the War on Drugs or Addiction?

Question by Q K: What’s worse the effects of the War On Drugs or addiction?
War On Drugs raises the price of drugs making traffickers super rich including terrorists. We’ll lose the Afghan war cause the Taliban has all the money coming from their opium trade. The fight against terrrorism is at stake cause we stick to enforcing drug laws that are unenforceable. We need to legalize, regulate and tax them like any tobacco product is. Instead of deficits fighting drug cartels we’ll have profits to be used to educate and rehabilitate drug addicts.

Best answer:

Brother With a Serious Drug Problem?

Question by flower: Brother with a serious drug problem?
My brother is addicted to crack? He also have a mental problem at well. He is constantly in and out of jail on theft charges to support his habit. The judge just give him a few months in jail and when he gets out he back to where he started. We have numerous rehab places and they all charges horrendous fees that nobody can afford. Being so desperate of him loosing his life over drug we have also written in to some of the tv shows and beg for help. I just don’t understand why there are not inpatient programs out there that can help drug addicts. I feel like we are running out of time. My sister is the power of attorney over his finances i don’t know if that may be of any help with my questions. If anyone know of any resources or anyway of us getting him permitted into a program in Georgia this would be greatly apprecited? If anyone can tell me if they have experience this and what work for their family member that would be greatly as well? DESPERATELY NEEDING HELP TO SAVE MY BROTHER!

Annoying Insurance Company/ Rehab Program?

Question by dantedemon21: Annoying insurance company/ rehab program?
Ok I have recently found god and become a strong christian. I came home after tons and tons of drug issues from college. My parents are very supportive and my mom is a strong christian. Two centers have been trying to help us with the insurance companies. I want to go to a christian rehab center and the one that has a very very good ministry outreach program was denied because it was not on their list of recommended centers. My whole life I have had to deal with big corporations I am so sick of them and usually have luck when calling them. How should me and my parents handle this issue with the insurance? I mean it is complete bs that we pay them tons of money and when it comes time to actually do their jobs they are refusing to. Is their someone we can call to help us deal with them or something? I really feel that I am being lead to be at this facility does anyone have any suggestions at all. Please just be kind in responses no bs just logical solutions to this problem.


Question by nicole l: Addiction…..?
hi, I have an addictive personality. I have the feeling I may also be bipolar. They say that most addictive personalities are caused by sudden trauma or loss on a family or friendship of the carrier. That happened to me and now I cannot stop thinking about it. My addictions are strange, they vary from people (celebrities) to dreams to bands to songs to movies to places to ideas to memories to foods to other not so healthy things. I know that this is wrong, but everything I’m told doesn’t help, please help me. I think I’m bipolar because I will go from incredably happy to such a low I try to kill myself. I don’t open up much to people, but I feel somewhat annomyous on the internet, though I’m not. I sometimes get incredably paranoid and I can’t control it. I do not want attention, simply answers. Thanks for reading.

Support Groups for Drug Addicts?

Question by Halen: Support Groups for Drug Addicts?
Could anybody run by me what goes on
in support groups for drug addicts?

And are the people that usually lead them
ex-addicts or professionally trained for it or something?

Best answer:

Answer by eosiwadflaf92342342333324
People within a support group for drug addicts, discuss their problems with each other and provide supportive communication and resources for dealing with their addiction.

The Support Groups Association just launched an online support groups website. It is still in the process of being updated to provide a large variety of support groups.