drug addiction treatment

Why Do Drug Addiction Treatments Cost Much?

Question by aracely s: Why do drug addiction treatments cost much?
I was just wondering about this since thousands of dollars seem like so much money.

Best answer:

Answer by arlyn w
Drug addiction treatments cost much because a lot of factors are involved when treating a patient. Medication and payment for counseling and therapy costs much. But studies have shown that a full year of methadone maintenance treatment would cost a lot less than a year of imprisonment. Besides, this is someone’s life that’s on the line. What’s a thousand dollars compared to leading a sober, happy, addiction-free life?

Does Anyone Know of a Free, or Cheap, Non Faith Based, Non 12 Step, Meth Addiction Treatment Program?

Question by Solomon: Does anyone know of a free, or cheap, non faith based, non 12 step, meth addiction treatment program?
With all the hype about meth addiction and it’s evils you would think it would be easy to find help. Not so far.
I have been looking for a free, or cheap, non faith based, non 12 step meth addiction outpatient program in the Phoenix Metro area. Something with counselling and medical supervision would be ideal. I cannot afford to not be working since I am self employed. I need to quit, and want to be clean. The cycle must be broken. Does anybody know how to help?

What Are the Symptoms Associated With GHB Drug Addiction?

Question by smart alec: What are the symptoms associated with GHB drug addiction?
I’ve been using GHB for several months now and I’m wondering if I’m addicted to it or not. See, the reason why I’m taking GHB capsules is because it helps me sleep. That’s it. It has been helping me deal with my sleeping problem and it has been giving me just the right kind of comfort that I need. The thing is, lately I’ve been experiencing breathing difficulties. I’ve also been feeling nauseous a lot. Now, I’m starting to think that I’m getting the negative effects of it. Am I addicted to GHB?

I Need to Find an Addiction Treatment Center in Dixfield, Maine.?

Question by carlee e: I need to find an addiction treatment center in Dixfield, Maine.?
Any suggestions on how I might do this? I, along with some of my classmates, am planning on doing a documentary on addiction treatment centers for our project. We need to find at least 3 treatment centers. Can somebody here help us with this?

Best answer:

Answer by christine dh
Finding addiction treatment centers is pretty easy. Just searching the Internet alone is bound to give you results. I did a research of my own and found some sites that may be just the thing you need. I included them as links that you can see below. Good luck! I do hope you guys get a high grade on that project!

Drug Use Help for My Daughter?

Question by Helpinglife: Drug use help for my daughter?
My oldest daughter (17) has been trying to experiment with drugs for the past few months. I’ve noticed when she is home alone certain inhalant objects seem to disappear into her room (hair spray- nail polish- white out- sharpies) what should I do?

Best answer:

Answer by Jim
i am in recovery and i can tell u that stuff burns out brain cells quick do something fast.star with taking away everthing

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AAP's 'aurat' problem: The patent misogyny of mango men

Top 10 Players Who Should Be in the Baseball Hall of Fame

Top 10 Players Who Should Be In the Baseball Hall of Fame

Filed under: drug addiction treatment centers in indiana

If that reason is performance-enhancing drug use (from this point onward, abbreviated to PEDs), and we know they're guilty, I won't consider them. So you won't see Barry Bonds, …. Perhaps Gil's biggest problem is that he was unable to speak on his …
Read more on Bleeding Yankee Blue (blog)


Newman Ferrarra LLP | HIGH LEVELS OF HIV

Filed under: drug addiction treatment centers in indiana