drug addiction treatment act

Palm Beach Realtor Charged With Trying to Pick Up Boy Online

Palm Beach Realtor charged with trying to pick up boy online

Filed under: drug addiction treatment act of 2000

If Joe Lieberman had caved in to Republican demands in the year 2000 that he not run for relection to the senate at the same time that he was running for the vice presidency, then our nation would have had a Republican Senator from Conn., named Philip …
Read more on Palm Beach Post


Thousands rally in support of Medicaid expansion

Filed under: drug addiction treatment act of 2000

'Shooting Galleries': The Drug Plan That Could Be Too Liberal Even for Brighton

'Shooting galleries': The drug plan that could be too liberal even for Brighton

Filed under: drug addiction treatment act of 2000

Details of a British centre are yet to be ironed out, but already concerns have been raised in Brighton, despite hopes that the generally liberal residents (about 2,000 of whom are battling drug addiction) would be more open to the idea. Resident Adam …
Read more on The Independent


BioDelivery Sciences Appoints Thomas W. D'Alonzo to Board of Directors

Filed under: drug addiction treatment act of 2000

FDA Rejection of Probuphine Hits Titan Hard

FDA Rejection Of Probuphine Hits Titan Hard

Filed under: drug abuse treatment options

The Drug Addiction Treatment Act of 2000 allows for a waiver from the registration requirements of the Controlled Substance Act (CSA) to prescribe and dispense opioid medications in Schedule III, IV, and V for the treatment of opioid addiction, outside …
Read more on Seeking Alpha



What are the effects of opiate abuse? Northbound Treatment Services – If you have a loved one suffering from addiction, call today to discuss treatment options http://www.livingsober.com, 866-317-9450 Dr. Mandy Neeble Clinical …

Oligarchs and Graphomaniacs

Oligarchs and Graphomaniacs

Filed under: drug addiction treatment act 2000

So is the narcomaniac: drug addiction is rampant in Russia. Neither the state nor any Russian philanthropists support drug treatment according to international standards, or HIV prevention for people who inject drugs. Russia's HIV epidemic continues to …
Read more on The Nation.


Up in smoke: tobacco users could see much higher premiums next

Filed under: drug addiction treatment act 2000

Plutocracy in America

Plutocracy in America

Filed under: drug addiction treatment act of 2000

Moreover, the extreme of a regulatory culture that, in effect, turns public officials into tame accessories to financial abuse emerged in stark relief at the Levin Committee hearings on J P Morgan Chase's 'London Whale” scandal. Morgan officials stated …
Read more on CounterPunch


A glimmer of Hope for West Africa: Koukoie Exposes General Bubo And Yahya

Filed under: drug addiction treatment act of 2000

Editorial Roundup: Excerpts From Recent Editorials

Editorial Roundup: Excerpts from recent editorials

Filed under: drug addiction treatment act of 2000

We do know that there will be more acts of terror against Americans. And we should know that the torture perpetrated after 9/11 has made those future attacks more likely, not less. The inhumane treatment almost certainly endangered our own soldiers, …
Read more on Sacramento Bee


The World Is Really Falling Apart

Filed under: drug addiction treatment act of 2000