drug addict

Should the U.S. Legalize and Regulate Prostitution Similar to That of Amsterdam’s Policy? Why or Why Not?

Question by Lil’D: Should the U.S. Legalize and Regulate Prostitution similar to that of Amsterdam’s Policy? Why or Why Not?
The legalization of prostitution would alleviate a lot of work for our police force, allowing them to focus better on felonies which are much more serious and is a better use of time. More importantly, it would provide AT LEAST hundreds of millions of dollars annually for our economy and NOT to the Black Market and with government regulation added, it would help to control sex trafficking therefore putting abusive pimps out of a job now because the prostitutes would be legal sex-workers with certain rights and protections under law if we change the policy. What I think is most though is that a person should have the right to spend his or her money the way he or she wants so long as it doesn’t hurt others. Plus, it’s not for me or anyone else to tell somebody, especially a stranger, what to do with his or her own body!
More imortantly I mean to ask if prostitution should be legal. Not necessarily the Amsterdam model.

Teenagers Abuse of Drugs?

Question by Michael S: teenagers abuse of drugs?
I am doing a descriptive essay on teenagers abuse on drugs and was wondering if anyone has any facts or websites with shocking information with teens doing drugs. Wheather it deals with sex or soemthing like that. Thanks in advance.
thank you.. anyone else….
nice nice.. anyone else?

Best answer:

Answer by softaiil952000
Look up the TV show called INTERVENTION it is the best show and the best real advice out there. It follows real people and their struggle with drugs and alcohol, it is amazing and the web site has great information

Has Drug Addiction Affected Your Family?

Question by me: Has drug addiction affected your family?

Robin – CONGRATS on your 1 year clean!!! That’s beautiful!!! It only gets better!!! – Candy

Best answer:

Answer by sakura
has it affected yours?

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Irfan ur Rehman Willing Ways “Recovery from Drug Addiction” – Willing Ways is a state-of-the-art facility for Counseling. We started our operation 33 years ago when Pakistan was suddenly hard hit by Heroin ‘epidemic’. W…


Can You Find Christian Drug Addiction Songs?

Question by plazmaplanna: Can you find Christian drug addiction songs?
Looking for christian alternative rock or even rap to do with drug addiction…

any songs would be appreciated.
christianity has nothing to do with being “goody goody”- one of the most important parts is admitting you are a sinner….that’s the only reason christianity exists..if we didn’t sin then there would be no reason.

Best answer:

Answer by music24monkey
i thought christians were too goody goody for drugs obviously not then. but in any case you should just listen to never gonna give you up by rick astley. On a loop.

My Daughter Needs Drug Rehab but We Can’t Afford It, Any Suggestions?

Question by bumble100bee: my daughter needs drug rehab but we can’t afford it, any suggestions?
My daughter is addicted to heroin, we cant afford drug rehab. Rehab costs about $ 7500.00 a month. She has been arrested twice. I have been trying to help her but there is nothing I can really do. Heroin is a bad drug to withdrawal from, and she is trying to do it herself. She doesn’t have insurance and I am on such a tight budget. Without help the chances are she will start using again. She gets violent when she is trying to withdrawal. I worry because she has a two-year old girl and I don’t want my grandchild to be raised around it. I pay for the baby to go to the sitter. Her boyfriend, (the babies father) is no help because he is addicted too. Does anyone have any suggestions?
I noticed the the nasty answers, let me clarify, Childrens services is involved. My daughter and grandchild live with me and I pay for and take her to the sitter everyday. There is no help where I live at. She is not on parole so I cant go to the court for help. This is the first time in weeks I have been on my computer, thank you, and I got it to get her some help.

Is Drug Addiction and Alcoholism , Hereditary ?

Question by SWM 38 _4_ YOUNG GF: Is drug addiction and alcoholism , hereditary ?
Did you ever notice where alcoholic fathers seem to have drug addict sons or daughters.. my cousin, a female had a alcoholic father and turned out with drug addiction problems?

Best answer:

Answer by Pompin Jo
I don’t know about hereditary but Monkey see monkey do… that’s the way life goes unless you are a deter minded person to not go down that road!!!

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