drug addict

I Think I Have a Drug Addiction for Oxycodene W/ Apap?

Question by Emileee.: I think i have a drug addiction for oxycodene w/ apap?
Okay, heres basically what i have to ask.

My mom is perscribed oxycodene w/ apap 520mg.
Every week or so i have a day where i feel like having
a few because they make me feel so calm and good.
I take about 3 chipped into fourths. I need to know how
many pills would cause me to overdose, so i dont ofcourse,
im trying to cut down. Eventually I know my mom will notice.

Best answer:

Parents Are Worried About Me Moving Out and Living on My Own.?

Question by Kyle: Parents are worried about me moving out and living on my own.?
I’m getting ready to go to a 9-month program for music in NYC in January, I’m 21 years old and currently live with my parents about 45-50min away in Connecticut. I’ve struggled with drug addiction since I was 18 and as a result I dropped out of my first College and then failed out of another 1.5years later. I’ve been in treatment for over a year and I’m doing very good. I’m planning on doing a music production program in the city and am very excited to finally study/learn something I have a real passion for. I’m also planning on renting an apartment in the city so I don’t have to commute 6 times a week and also because I feel like it’s the next step in the evolution of my life to move out of my parents house and live on my own.

Can U Tell Me Why the Young Generation’s R Drug Addicted?

Question by Shuvo D: Can u tell me why the young generation’s r drug addicted?

Best answer:

Answer by *~Bride-To-Be~*
Because they are bored and have nothing better to do with themselves.

Add your own answer in the comments!



Manchin Welcomes West Virginia Veterans To Washington


Are There Any Doctors in Oklahoma City That Uses Hypnosis for Drug Addiction?

Question by williefields45: are there any doctors in oklahoma city that uses hypnosis for drug addiction?

Best answer:

Answer by Lynne B
I know this doesn’t answer you question but there is something else you might want to look into too. It is called EFT & it can be done over the phone it is so easy & powerfull effective. I haven’t used it for addiction but I have a son that died after years of addiction. I used it for grief etc. You can look it up on the interned & put EFT Gary Craig in the search & you will find practitioners from there. If you can’t afford them ask or tell them what you can afford but keep opening to recieve help. I wish you the best.

I Have a Sister Who Has Metal Problems and She Is Addicted to Heroin and She Is a Stripper What Can I Do >?

Question by taybear1600: i have a sister who has metal problems and she is addicted to heroin and she is a stripper what can i do >?

Best answer:

Have You Read This catholic.org Article Comparing Homosexuality to Drug Addiction?

Question by Pittsburgher – Mateo el ateo –: Have you read this catholic.org article comparing homosexuality to drug addiction?

I was looking up articles for my psych research project and almost threw up when I read this.

Best answer:

Answer by N.PIKE
Yeah. They make some strong points

Give your answer to this question below!



Overcoming Addiction- Mannie Ramos Jr. shares his story on Being Encouraged – http://bit.ly/YaF74I Mannie Ramos Jr. shares his heart filled story of his mothers recovery from drug addiction. Make sure to click the link and read Mannie’…