drug addict

What Is Drug Abuse??

Question by huini l: what is drug abuse??

Best answer:

Answer by Sultan-Emerr
Taking illegal drugs.

Give your answer to this question below!



Warning Signs of Teenage Drug Addiction


I Need Help Explaining This Quote?

Question by Tayler Brewer: I need help explaining this quote?
“One person’s recreation is another’s addiction”

for example talk about drug & alcohol addictions
and how it relates to health

Best answer:

Answer by sam
i believe that once your recreation makes a habit it leads to addiction and your mind will get focus on that action until your mind will affect about that completely.

Add your own answer in the comments!



all my friends are drug addicts – guillain barre at fenix 54 march 30th 2012.


Christians:What Is Your Opinion on Psychedelic Drugs-Have You Tried Them?What Are Your Thoughts?

Question by SupremeNinja: Christians:What is your opinion on psychedelic drugs-have you tried them?What are your thoughts?
At least this isn’t a question going against Christians!

Best answer:

Answer by Jackal
Drugs should only used for medicinal purposes.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Answers for Addiction 5 : Christian Addiction Cure – http://hisspaceonline.org : Holistic Drug Rehab : Do You Know The Secret to Overcoming Any Addiction? Find Out. Find Prescription Drug Addiction Help Hotline…


I Have a Few Questions for a Paper on Drug Abuse. Please Help.?

Question by brittany m: I have a few questions for a paper on Drug Abuse. Please help.?
How do people behave when they are addicted to drugs?
(please put the source – where you got the information)

What are the treatments for Drug Abuse?
(please put the source – where you got the information)

How do you prevent Drug Abuse?
(please put the source – where you got the information)

What is the origin of Drug Abuse? Who started it? Where did it come from?
I think it was the Sumerians but I’m not sure.
(please put the source – where you got the information)

How Can I Overcome My Prescription Drug Addiction?

Question by NaeePleasee: How can I overcome my prescription drug addiction?
Hi, i’ve been addicted to drugs for about 2 years now. Thats because i’ve been deeply depressed. I’m really desperate for help because I have a issue with suicide and cutting once in a while too. Thanks

Best answer:

Answer by Lu Elèison
Depends if you are buying them illegally or prescribed the medication and what the drug is. You have to tell your doctor and get some help. I’ve done the same thing and it’s a tough one and drugs do your brain in. You most likely have to taper off and again your doctor has to know. Withdrawal is dangerous depending on what drug you use.
Narcotics Anonymous is a great resource.
Hope you can get some help – you can’t do it alone.

Is Her Drug Addiction My Fault?

Question by Lenora: Is her drug addiction my fault?
All throughout my life my mother has had a horrible drug addiction and pretty destructive relationships. Now I’m 19 and I planned on going to college but we couldn’t afford it so I’m doing community college. I still live with her and her drug abuse basically went away for a few months but now she’s doing it again.