drug addict

Drug Addiction?

Question by ldytinker: Drug addiction?
My daughter is 24 years old. I have guardianship of three of her 4 children. I ahve seen her go deep into meth and depression and come back. She lives in my home and wont work. She is falling deep into a well of darkness and I dont know what to do. She tells me that every morning when she wakes up she is so disgusted that she lived through the night that she wants to ripp her skin off..I want to call the Justice Of The Peace on Monday morning and see if maybe having her committed would be a wake up call…I need help , advice and some moral support.. I pray…where do I go?

Is Patrick Kennedy an Alcoholic or a Drug Addict?

Question by Barney the Gerbil: Is Patrick Kennedy an alcoholic or a drug addict?

Best answer:

Answer by Lt. dan taylor
its ok………..he has tiger blood

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Rx Help for Washington – KING 5 News reports about Rx Help for Washington, which is the model for a new national prescription assistance plan.


Drug Addict With Visitation Rights.?

Question by Christina P: Drug addict with visitation rights.?
I live in Indiana and recently had to leave my husband and get a restraining order on him for abuse. At court for the restraining order the judge gave him visitation rights with his children every saturday. I protested this since he is a drug addict that refuses to get help. His friends are trash and I can not trust him with my children. He has kidnapped my oldest before and threatened me with killing her and himself if i didn’t give him money. He was on the same thing then as he is now and the judge said there is nothing he can do and that i have to take the kids there every weekend. Is there anything i can do to keep them from having to go? i refuse to take them and am willing to get in trouble for it because i feel it is neglect for me to subject them to that environment.

I Have to Find Addiction Treatment Centers in Holtsville, New York, for People With Prescription Drug Addictio

Question by aja np: I have to find addiction treatment centers in Holtsville, New York, for people with prescription drug addictio
This is because my cousin is an ambien addict and I would like to help her get herself treated, if only by finding a treatment center for her. I already talked to her about this and she made it clear that she wants to change.

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What if a Person Only Has a Low Income? How Can He Find a Good Addiction Treatment Program?

Question by amber ns: What if a person only has a low income? How can he find a good addiction treatment program?
I know that programs like these are really costly. What about those people who really want to change but just can’t stop because of withdrawal symptoms and can’t afford to have themselves rehabilitated at treatment centers? Is there a solution to this problem?

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Drug Addiction Stories Anyone?

Question by brooklynfantasticsx: drug addiction stories anyone?
I want to hear about addictions you have had to drugs, or have. and how you recovered, relapsed or are still trying to turn your life around. it could be anything to do with drugs, alchohol, self injury, suicide or whatever else you can think of.

open up to me i’m a great listener 🙂
i’ve read that book, as well as cut, crank, impluse, tweak, and right now im reading identical, all great books. :]

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