Perscription Drug Addiction?
Question by Mark O: Perscription Drug Addiction?
How do you tell if someone has a prescription drug addiction? Is it similar to an illegal drug addiction? I have a loved one who I am very concerned about. They take prescription drugs for medical purposes. But they affect them the same way that illegal drugs affect others. They take 35 every day. They are a nurse. They can give a medical justification for every one of them. But the way they react at different times makes me wonder. Their emotions go up and down. They have the same reactions as a drug addict. Can someone give some advice on helping my loved one.
World Drug Addiction Statistics?
Question by Max: World Drug Addiction Statistics?
I was extremely curious if anyone has a chart or something saying what percentage of the population are drug/alcohol addicts split up country to country. It seems like the rate is very high in the United States meaning that just being born here makes us more prone to drug addiction. Very interesting..
Best answer:
Answer by dcokefiend
I don’t think we are more prone, we just have a lot more access. People can abuse prescription drugs quite easily by going to different MD’s. Then they get hooked and will buy off the street if they can’t get a prescription. Just like we have more shootings than most places, the guns are easily had.
Drug Addictions?
Question by epiphonegirl: Drug addictions?
Do you think it is possible to be addicted to drugs in a different sense than being addicted to one specific drug?
What I mean is…do you think people who drink and do drugs are simply addicted to being high, not feeling things, and not dealing with problems?
Yes, crack, coke, etc. cause strong physical addictions, but would people become addicted to them if they weren’t desperate to get high?
Personally I think so.
I smoke weed, and I did coke one day because my dude said he could get me coke but not weed at the moment.
I started smoking weed cuz I drink.
Drug Questions?
Question by Kat: Drug Questions?
I was doing my health homework and came to some questions I couldn’t find in the texbook after I looked for them like a billion times. Well, here are the questions-
-________violence is violence toward a family memeber
-a psychoactive gas inhaled to produce euphoria
-a confidential telephone service
-a legal narcotic given to drug addicts to block withdrawal symptons
-any use of an illegal drug or misuse of a legal drug
-reduced sensitivity to a drug
I will really appreciate it if you helped me.
Best answer:
I’m at a Loss as to How to Find Drug Rehabs in Hempstead, Texas. Help?
Question by daniella s: I’m at a loss as to how to find drug rehabs in Hempstead, Texas. Help?
I’ve never been good at finding places. Not even when I’ve got a map. But I really need to do this for a very dear friend of mine. We’ve been close since childhood, and I never expected that there would come a time when she would get herself involved with people who are doing drugs. Now she’s drug addicted as well. Though she has pushed me away before, it was still me that she turned to when she realized that she’ll get nothing good from illegal drugs. I really want to help her find drug rehabs. How will I do this?