drug addict

Can Anyone Enlighten Me on the Drug Problems in the Appalachian Mts?

Question by Grunge blossom: Can anyone enlighten me on the drug problems in the Appalachian Mts?
I would like to become a drug addiction therapist in the near future. My dream is to help the people of the Appalachian Mts and mining towns of WV who have drug addictions.

Why are drugs a big part of life in the mountains?

thank you, and i hope i did not offend anyone. i understand that many people who live in those regions do not have drug problems. but i watched a show about the drugs that are prevalent there, and it touched me deep inside. i want to help : )
thank you everyone!
Nuit: if i set up a therapy practice for drug addiction somewhere in WV where drugs are very prevalent, would i get clients?

Who Is the Most Talented Tattoo Artist in Illinois?

Question by David: who is the most talented tattoo artist in Illinois?
I have hand drawn and other pics too that i need to know if someone has the skill to do them?

Best answer:

Help for Violent Teen With Drug Abuse Issues?

Question by Jamie M: Help for violent teen with drug abuse issues?
What kind of help is there for a teen who has major violence issues along with a drug problem? He has threatened my mom and dad (he lives with grandparents, both parents passed away) with violence (killing, beating). He refuses any type of therapy or rehab and they are concerned he will retaliate if they take him someplace. Is there a place that will force him to go through therapy and keep him “locked up” per se? My parents are scared for their lives but they want desperately to help him. They have contacted police and such but were told that because he is underage (almost 17) there is nothing they can do. I don’t understand why there isn’t more help out there for people going through situations like this. We are lost as to what to do. Any suggestions?

What Is a Therapeutic Community?

Question by M L: What is a therapeutic community?

Best answer:

Answer by 9Suns
Therapeutic community is a term applied to a participative, group-based approach to long-term mental illness, personality disorders and drug addiction. The approach is usually residential with the clients and therapists living together, is based on milieu therapy principles and includes group psychotherapy as well as practical activities.

Therapeutic communities have gained some reputation for success in rehabilitation and patient satisfaction in Britain and abroad. In Britain, ‘democratic analytic’ therapeutic communities have tended to specialise in the treatment of moderate to severe personality disorders and complex emotional and interpersonal problems. The evolution of therapeutic communities in the United States has followed a different path with hierarchically arranged communities (or concept houses) specialising in the treatment of drug and alcohol dependence.

How to Concentrate in Studies With a Broken Heart ???

Question by Grounded: how to concentrate in studies with a broken heart ???
i jus cant study all da time i feel like crying or upset….i only feel gud wen i m out of ma home of chatting in net….but dis wont help me….i have 2 study sumhow i wana build ma carrer i dont wana regret one day like a drug addict does after returning 4m a rehab………………does any1 know the solution ?????

Best answer:

Answer by NuocMamBoi
fix the broken heart problem?
go back to your boyfriend?

answer please:

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I Need a Free Drug Rehab for My 23yr Old Son Near Sanford Fl Chirstian Based Teen Challenge I Can?

Question by martika: I need a free drug rehab for my 23yr old son near Sanford Fl Chirstian based Teen Challenge i can?
My son lives with me and wont leave he does good for 4 months he comes to FL and back to NJ with his dad he doesn’t do any drugs there as soon as he is here with me for 1 month he works and when he gets paid he goes out and spend his money on drugs olcohol and he stays up all night and keeps me up all night worried comes in and out doesn’t respect anything i tell him, i don’t know what to do being that he is already 23yrs old i should of never let him come back in my house but he has no one else here in FL. I don’t know who to talk to or what to do i’m affraid of going to the authorities i don’t want him arrested . I thought about telling to join Teen Challenge they say thats a good group but i can’t find them in Orlando FL i can’t afford to pay to put him somewhere i’m a single mom. I need help or advise . Thank you Martika