drug abuse warning network

Is SUBOXONE a Narcotic?

Question by getoffmyback: Is SUBOXONE a narcotic?

Best answer:

Answer by **Anti-PeTA**
Yes it is. 1. What are Suboxone and Subutex?

Subutex and Suboxone are medications approved for the treatment of opiate dependence. Both medicines contain the active ingredient, buprenorphine hydrochloride, which works to reduce the symptoms of opiate dependence.

2. Why did the FDA approve two medications?

Subutex contains only buprenorphine hydrochloride. This formulation was developed as the initial product. The second medication, Suboxone contains an additional ingredient called naloxone to guard against misuse.

Subutex is given during the first few days of treatment, while Suboxone is used during the maintenance phase of treatment.

Why Is Alcohol Legal, and Not Pot?

Question by Chaia: Why is alcohol legal, and not pot?
Plase somebody tell me why we llegalize alcohol but not pot?

•5% of all deaths from diseases of the circulatory system are attributed to alcohol.
• 15% of all deaths from diseases of the respiratory system are attributed to alcohol.
• 30% of all deaths from accidents caused by fire and flames are attributed to alcohol.
• 30% of all accidental drownings are attributed to alcohol.
• 30% of all suicides are attributed to alcohol.
• 40% of all deaths due to accidental falls are attributed to alcohol.
• 45% of all deaths in automobile accidents are attributed to alcohol.
• 60% of all homicides are attributed to alcohol.

Providing Help to Adolescent Girls

Providing help to adolescent girls

Filed under: drug abuse symptoms

Princeton House Behavioral Health has long been known for being a leading provider of highly skilled and compassionate behavioral healthcare, offering relief at times when life becomes clouded by mental illness, emotional difficulties or addiction. In …
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Batting the heroin problem

Filed under: drug abuse symptoms

Heroin is an opioid drug that is synthesized from morphine, a naturally occurring substance extracted from the Asian opium poppy plant, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). The drug can be injected, inhaled, snorted and smoked. As …
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What Exactly Is Pcp and What Are Its Effects When Taken Recreationally?

Question by Stephanie: what exactly is pcp and what are its effects when taken recreationally?

Best answer:

HRW: Colombia Inadequate in Helping Landless

HRW: Colombia inadequate in helping landless

Filed under: drug abuse help in maryland

BOGOTA, Colombia — Colombia has "chronically failed" to protect people trying to reclaim stolen land, threatening to sabotage President Juan Manuel Santos' unprecedented efforts to end the Western Hemisphere's worst internal refugee problem, a major …
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Use of Digoxin Associated with Higher Risk of Death for Patients Diagnosed

Filed under: drug abuse help in maryland

Saudi Arabian Princess Accused of Holding Slaves in California

Saudi Arabian princess accused of holding slaves in California

Filed under: drug abuse warning network

A Saudi Arabian princess living in California was recently accused of holding slaves after of one of her five maids escaped her Irvine residence. Princess Meshal Albayan, wife of the Saudi Arabian prince Abdulraham bin Nassar bin Abdulazis al Saud, may …
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Criminal court, July 13, 2013

Filed under: drug abuse warning network