drug abuse treatment

New Hunterdon Program Provides Help to Drug Users

New Hunterdon program provides help to drug users

Filed under: drug abuse treatment centers

The START (Steps to Action Recovery and Treatment) program provides information that can help a drug user start a healthy lifestyle when they are on their own, according to Hunterdon County Prosecutor Anthony P. Kearns III. The packets will be given to …
Read more on MyCentralJersey.com


Study: Alcohol plays 'major role' in road fatalities

Filed under: drug abuse treatment centers

A Region on the Verge of Discovery

A Region on the Verge of Discovery

Filed under: drug abuse treatment cost analysis program

Imagine a new generation of intricate, lightweight, and durable custom products—printed in cost-efficient home factories. At UConn's center, which houses 3D manufacturing equipment and rapid prototyping technologies, two high-powered electron beam …
Read more on The New York Academy of Sciences


Johnson & Johnson Vs. Medivation In Prostate Cancer Race

Filed under: drug abuse treatment cost analysis program

Community Solutions: Readers Speak Out on Wilkes-Barre's Rising Murder Rate

Community solutions: Readers speak out on Wilkes-Barre's rising murder rate

Filed under: drug abuse treatment cost analysis program

WILKES-BARRE — In the past month, 900 comments have been posted to The Times Leader's two in-depth, front-page analyses describing how the city's homicide rate has eclipsed per-capita killings in much larger cities, including New York, Newark N.J …
Read more on Wilkes Barre Times-Leader


Medicare Drug Costs Driven Up by Doctors With Business Ties to

Filed under: drug abuse treatment cost analysis program

How Old Do You Have to Be in Order to Buy a Home Drug Test Kit?

Question by Brandon: How old do you have to be in order to buy a Home Drug Test Kit?
I’m 17, and I have a drug test in two days for a job. I wanna make sure I’m gonna pass it, so I want to buy a Drug Test Kit. I don’t really know anything about them, but I heard they work perfectly. But i’m only 17,so am I able to purchase one? Plus if I am, can I just buy one at a local store?

Best answer:

Answer by halsaee
why do u even need the kit?!! just go have the normal one in two days!!

Veterans Treatment Court Will Help Vets in Addiction, Mental-Health Cases

Veterans Treatment Court will help vets in addiction, mental-health cases

Filed under: drug abuse treatment specialist

The judges said veterans treatment courts combine rigorous treatment and accountability for veterans facing incarceration due to charges stemming from substance abuse and/or mental health issues. … The courts have created partnerships with many …
Read more on News Sentinel


Treatment centre set to to open in Vanier to deal with 'epidemic'

Filed under: drug abuse treatment specialist

Does “abuse” by Another Cause a Person to Have a Psychiatric Disorder? What Is the Diagnosis in This Case?

Question by HREPrincess: Does “abuse” by another cause a person to have a psychiatric disorder? What is the diagnosis in this case?
I’m writing about an individual who was oppressed, abused, ridiculed, and neglected during childhood to the point of not talking and hiding (even as a child of 2 or 3 hid in a closet to avoid the mother). This continued to some extent into teenage years. Many mistakes were made and opportunities lost even as an adult. The person is now able to join in conversations without the “tremendous” fear that was present in past years, joins in group activities, etc., but is still somewhat socially withdrawn. This person was “damaged” by another, but is this a psychiatric disorder? The person is very intelligent (IQ 150+) and has no problem conversing about common interests. One otherwise would not be aware of the problem just to observe from a distance. This is definitely not Asperger’s. What is the diagnosis?