drug abuse treatment

Why Do People Want to Elect Obama for a Second Term?

Question by Accelleratrix: Why do people want to elect Obama for a second term?
Whether conservative or liberal, why does anybody want to reelect him when he has broken virtually all the promises he made except to pass a healthcare bill which could bankrupt the country, has added trillions to the national debt, enacted multiple attacks on civil liberties, and done essentially nothing to improve the economy. (today, the economic growth for the year was adjusted from a measly 1.7% to just 1.3%)

Best answer:

Answer by rayal
Because the alternative is many times worse.

Post Partum Depression and Miriam Carey: Stopping the Silent Scourge

Post Partum Depression and Miriam Carey: Stopping the Silent Scourge

Filed under: drug abuse treatment centers

Early detection of the hormonal and genetic contributors could help the most vulnerable mothers take advantage of drug or behavior-based therapies to manage their symptoms. At the University of North Carolina at Chapel … The program provides 24-hour …
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Stonewall Jackson secrets: 'Children against monsters'

Filed under: drug abuse treatment centers

How New Cancer Drugs Can Skip Randomized Trials

How new cancer drugs can skip randomized trials

Filed under: drug abuse treatment cost analysis program

Analysis … But experts say the controversy over Zelboraf broke the mould, potentially pointing the way to lower-cost drug development. … Randomized controlled trials — where some patients are given the treatment that is being tested and others get …
Read more on BusinessWorld Online Edition


ACA could help addicts get clean

Filed under: drug abuse treatment cost analysis program

Castro Valley: Affordable Care Act Forum to Focus on Alameda County

Castro Valley: Affordable Care Act forum to focus on Alameda County

Filed under: drug addiction treatment act

It will be followed by a presentation on addiction and recovery in patients and health professionals by Dr. David Smith, an expert on drug abuse treatment. The program is hosted by the Alameda and Contra Costa Counties Optometric Society in …
Read more on Inside Bay Area


'Really confused': Kaiser/NBC poll finds Americans worried by health care law

Filed under: drug addiction treatment act

Federal Grants to Help Crime Victims, Drug Abuse Treatment

Federal grants to help crime victims, drug abuse treatment

Filed under: drug abuse treatment plans

The Department of Justice awarded two grants to the Guam Office of the Attorney General and the Guam Bureau of Statistics and Plans to develop crime victim services and substance abuse treatment programs. According to a written statement, $ 400,209 was …
Read more on Pacific Daily News


Addiction services could be overwhelmed by health-care law

Filed under: drug abuse treatment plans

Substance Abuse Scandal

Substance abuse scandal

Filed under: drug abuse treatment plan

McCrory plans to meet with ABC Commission and the Department of Health and Human Services to establish strict drug laws, introduce a counseling and treatment center, and increase the student body's knowledge about drug addiction. But is McCrory …
Read more on ECU The East Carolinian


Combating Substance Abuse in Lexington Part 7: Find Yourself With SelfRefind

Filed under: drug abuse treatment plan