clinical trial

Question About Wellbutrin?

Question by ann_non_a_miss: Question about Wellbutrin?
I was taking Wellbutrin for a little over a week and I did not notice it working. I was becoming increasingly more depressed to the point I was thinking about suicide. Today I was reading the pamphlet and it mentioned that the drug can cause suicidal thoughts and to stop taking it. Needless to say I am going to discontinue use. My question is, whay would this happen? If the drug is supposed to make depression go away, why would it make mine worse??? Does anyone know a good antidepressants I can try? Preferably one that also relieves anxiety and compulsive urges?

What Stage of Research Is ALS In?

Question by Rose: What Stage of Research is ALS in?
I’m trying to learn about ALS. I know there’s no cure, and the must be dozens of research labs out there trying to find one. How far they to finding a cure, what stage of the research process are they at right now, and what have they found out already

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Rep. Radel to Take Leave of Absence After Pleading Guilty to Cocaine Charge

Rep. Radel to take leave of absence after pleading guilty to cocaine charge

Filed under: drug treatment programs in dc

Radel said he is entering an “intensive, in-patient treatment” drug treatment program, and will donate the salary earned during his leave of absence to an unspecified charity. According to a statement from Ronald Machen Jr., U.S. attorney for the …
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Florida congressman Radel 'owns up' to cocaine possession; takes leave of

Filed under: drug treatment programs in dc

A Forever Recovery Looks at 3 Most Common Rehab Treatments in Latest Blog

A Forever Recovery Looks at 3 Most Common Rehab Treatments in Latest Blog

Filed under: drug treatment centers in michigan

A Forever Recovery, a leading addiction treatment center that has pioneered a moral reasoning approach to recovery that empowers each individual client to access the spiritual, cognitive, and fellowship support that they need, has published an …
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Atterocor Begins Phase 1 Trial for Adrenal Cancer Drug

Filed under: drug treatment centers in michigan

Getting LA's High-End Rehab Issues Straight

Getting LA's High-End Rehab Issues Straight

Filed under: drug addiction treatment centers florida

Thanks to repeat customers like Lindsay Lohan, some of L.A.'s toniest drug rehabs have gotten a reputation for being little more than high-end spas with pools, high-thread count sheets, five-star cuisine, and few optional therapy sessions. This is …
Read more on LA Magazine (blog)


Heroin at the Shore: From rehab into relapse

Filed under: drug addiction treatment centers florida

Novus Detox Comments on Recent Study: War Against Drugs Failing; New

Novus Detox Comments on Recent Study: War Against Drugs Failing; New

Filed under: drug addiction symptoms

Treating someone with an addiction problem like a criminal not only inhibits rehabilitation, but often leads to harder and harsher drug use, as the primary factors that impede detox are fear of severe withdrawal symptoms and fear of judgment. New Port …
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Targeting cannabis reward-effect could help treat addiction

Filed under: drug addiction symptoms