chronic pain

What Are the Long Term Effects of Drug Abuse?

Question by MICRO: What are the long term effects of drug abuse?
Can you ever gain back what was lost? How long does it take for the brain to start to heal?

Best answer:

Answer by butanebird91
Death is common
So is a coma
And as for getting back what was lost, i really don’t know for sure, it depends on which drug and how much is taken. I smoke and I’ll tell you from experience that tobacco causes brain changes just like heroin and coke. Here’s the link and i’m talking about something so simple and legal as a ciggarette, what do you think drugs are gonna do to you man. I don’t know if you’re thinking about doing it but if so, may the Lord be w/ you!!!

Addiction – What Is Inherently Wrong With It?

Question by Halsfield: Addiction – What is inherently wrong with it?
(I restarted this question because i laid the last question out sloppily and people were missing my point)

Question: What is wrong with being addicted to something? Everyone is addicted to something right now, but people seem to have this great fear and abhorrence for drug addiction without really explaining or knowing why it seems.

Definition: addiction is a state in which the body relies on a substance for normal functioning and develops physical dependence. When this substance is suddenly removed, it will cause withdrawal, a characteristic set of signs and symptoms

Is It Normal to Have Life-Ending Thoughts After Four Years of Chronic Pain?

Question by simmysmash: Is it normal to have life-ending thoughts after four years of chronic pain?
My specialist says it is normal with 99% of chronic pain sufferers!

Surely there must be more hope?

Best answer:

Answer by Shisui
It is completely normal. You have been in pain for a while and your body feels it cannot take it anymore so naturally you would think about suicide. However, just because you think about suicide doesn’t mean you will kill your self. I’m sure your doctor can help you get through these thoughts. After all, you have lived through 4 years of pain surely you can live through some bad thoughts. You are strong.

The AMA Is Thinking of Declaring Vid Game Addiction a Disease-Agree?

Question by Alayne: The AMA is thinking of declaring vid game addiction a disease-Agree?
This question is in light of the case of the news of a Nevada couple who neglected their children…blaming their obsession for vid games the reason they didn’t feed, bathe or cloth their two babies-11 months and 22 months-
Do you agree this is possible..or were they making lame excuses?

Best answer:

Answer by mouses1
Anything is Possible.

Add your own answer in the comments!



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How Can I Overcome My Prescription Drug Addiction?

Question by NaeePleasee: How can I overcome my prescription drug addiction?
Hi, i’ve been addicted to drugs for about 2 years now. Thats because i’ve been deeply depressed. I’m really desperate for help because I have a issue with suicide and cutting once in a while too. Thanks

Best answer:

Answer by Lu Elèison
Depends if you are buying them illegally or prescribed the medication and what the drug is. You have to tell your doctor and get some help. I’ve done the same thing and it’s a tough one and drugs do your brain in. You most likely have to taper off and again your doctor has to know. Withdrawal is dangerous depending on what drug you use.
Narcotics Anonymous is a great resource.
Hope you can get some help – you can’t do it alone.

Why Do I Need Drug Rehab?

Question by Jessie J: Why do I need drug rehab?
I have been a drug user for a year and I haven’t told anyone about it. And if I do decide to get myself into a drug rehab, I would like to do it without anyone having to push me. I would like to learn about drug rehab – what it does, what the treatments are and where I can find one in Florida. Got any ideas?

Best answer:

Answer by Michael A
yep. by all means go in and give ’em a try. but it didn’t work with me.


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