For the Ladies in Arizona That Have Had Their Baby and Used Marijuana While Pregnant! Help?
Question by Alyssa: For the ladies in Arizona that have had their baby and used marijuana while pregnant! Help?
So has anyone used (and If not in Arizona please don’t comment) while pregnant and either you or baby tested positive for thc after birth?? Did the state do anything?
Best answer:
Answer by Erica
Currently there are no states that holds prenatal substance abuse as a criminal act of child abuse and neglect. But many have expanded their civil child-welfare requirements to include substance abuse during pregnancy as grounds for terminating parental rights in relation to child abuse and neglect. The laws that adress prenatal substance abuse are as follows:
Do Other Sins Seem to Follow or Precede Overeating or Over Spending?
Question by OceanBlue0910: Do other sins seem to follow or precede overeating or over spending?
Does one type of relapse into former addiction lead to other sins? Example, and alcoholic who starts drinking can get into sexual sin or a drug addict who goes back on crystal meth or crack or pain medication may also do sexual or criminal things to get more of that drug or they just don’t care and do things they normally do not do.
Best answer:
Internet Addictions, Drawn-Out Divorces and Smell-a-Vision?
Internet Addictions, Drawn-Out Divorces And Smell-A-Vision?
Filed under: drug rehab treatment center
In fact, the country's first inpatient treatment center for internet addiction opened this week. It costs $ 14,000! There's a couple in Connecticut whose divorce case has been going on for 10 years! There have been more than 600 motions and rulings. It …
Boxing Legend Oscar De La Hoya Opens Up To CBS2/KCAL9?s Rick Garcia …
Filed under: drug rehab treatment center
Any Help on Bipolar Disorder?
Question by txsweetness: Any help on Bipolar disorder?
My oldest daughter is in a mental hospital, a week ago she had a breakdown and tried hurting herself. She has a problem with pain pills and was under the influence, and in a deep depression. Now she is having memories of an abusive childhood. I was there, the things she is saying did not happen. Will she ever remember them correctly? Or in her mind will my husband and I always be parents that mistreated her. Has anyone ever remembered the truth when they are getting better. Please help. I feel useless.
Drug War Needs Concerted, Co-Ordinated Efforts by All
Drug war needs concerted, co-ordinated efforts by all
Filed under: online drug abuse help
Extensive health community education in relation to the associated hazards of drug addiction is necessary. We have witnessed a growing number of zombies. It is painful to parents, guardians, relatives and the nation at large when a host of energetic …
Read more on Daily News
Expert weighs in on Bartow, Georgia child abuse
Filed under: online drug abuse help
LAPD Embroiled in Gun Controversy
LAPD Embroiled In Gun Controversy
Filed under: drug abuse help hotline
California district attorneys from across the state announce the state's efforts to reduce gun violence at a news conference at the LAPD Headquarters in Los Angeles Friday, May 17, 2013. The LAPD is now being investigated for illegally selling handguns.
Read more on Mintpress News
Breaking Bad Recap: S5E09, “Blood Money”
Filed under: drug abuse help hotline
Sure, they don't express those attitudes by running ever-expanding drug cartels and murdering people to keep them quiet, but they do think they're entitled to harass women and imperiously dismiss anyone who challenges cultural norms that cast men as …
Read more on Raw Story