centers for disease control

Free Presentation Offered for Parents on Drug Abuse

Free presentation offered for parents on drug abuse

Filed under: drug abuse

Members of NOPE — Narcotics Overdose Prevention & Education — will share their own tragic stories as well as facts on prescription pill abuse, drug interaction, signs of substance abuse, addiction, parenting strategies and where to get help. The free …
Read more on Daytona Beach News-Journal


Lock Up Your Lethals campaign addresses prescription drug abuse and more

Filed under: drug abuse

WV Delegate Lane Pushes Drug Court Program Expansion

WV Delegate Lane pushes drug court program expansion

Filed under: drug addiction treatment act

"The goal here is to encourage treatment and prevent recidivism, that we expand and model the existing program, which is wildly successful, and expand the drug court program across the entire state," Lane told the committee. Lane said expanding the …
Read more on State Journal


CNN Washington AM Note

Filed under: drug addiction treatment act

I Am Making a Crisis Pamphlet for Health Class I Cant Think of Crisis’s?

Question by imjustanexclamationpoint: I am making a crisis pamphlet for health class I cant think of crisis’s?
I need to make a pamphlet for health on places for teens to go when they have a crisis.
Ex: Deppression- go to the long Island crisis center
Pregancy- go to a Planned Pregnancy Meeting
Drug addiction- call a hotline

WHat are some other crisis’ teens could have

Best answer:

Answer by Iolanda

Give your answer to this question below!



Drug Help Hotline 1 888 917 3422 avi SaveYouTube com

Do You Think Capital Punishment Is Right?

Question by missy121: Do you think capital punishment is right?
Why or why not? And what do you think of the DC sniper being executed in November?

Best answer:

Answer by patchouli4279
If a jury of your peers whom unanimously agree that you are guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt and that your actions are irredeemable in the eyes of society. Then yes, I do support capital punishment.

What do you think? Answer below!


Pot legalization logical from all angles

Filed under: drug treatment programs in dc

Tax Dollars Are Paying Florida Mortgages for Felons, Debtors

Tax dollars are paying Florida mortgages for felons, debtors

Filed under: drug treatment centers in michigan

In 2008, while working for a drug treatment center, Ellison injured her back when a resident attacked her and she had to take a lower-paying job. For six months, the Hardest Hit program made partial payments on her St. Petersburg home as Ellison tried …


Trastuzumab May Have Role in HER2-Negative Breast Cancer Treatment

Filed under: drug treatment centers in michigan

Doctors Warn Against Attention-Boosting Drugs for Undiagnosed Kids

Doctors warn against attention-boosting drugs for undiagnosed kids

Filed under: Chicago Drug Treatment Help

If a condition is diagnosed, the use of the medicine is a treatment for that condition. Neuroenhancement is common among college students who take stimulants such as Adderall to help them study for exams. The drugs could have been obtained secondhand …


HIV Infection Rates Soar Among Poor Heterosexuals In US Cities: Report

Filed under: Chicago Drug Treatment Help