centers for disease control

Breast Cancer Drug Extension Considered Following NS Study

Breast cancer drug extension considered following NS study

Filed under: drug treatment centers in nc

Breast cancer drug extension considered following NS study. Saturday, March 16, 2013 11:40 AM. FAYETTEVILLE;NC: A breast cancer patient receives a chemotherapy drip at Cape Fear Valley Medical Center June 17;2003 in Fayetteville;North Carolina. Photo …
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French patients keep HIV at bay despite stopping drugs

Filed under: drug treatment centers in nc

The War on Drugs: A 2013 Prediction

The War on Drugs: A 2013 Prediction

Filed under: drug treatment centers

Further, I do predict and need to make a statement about drug treatment centers. As we come to understand these centers and look into their work, I predict that we will come to realize that they've been largely a failure. It will be some day revealed …
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Sequester could lead to massive cuts in HIV testing, treatment

Filed under: drug treatment centers

The DVD Wrapup

The DVD Wrapup

Filed under: drug rehab centers in las vegas

Although it's never made clear if Quell's rage issues and breakdown were caused by combat or merely exacerbated by the mind-numbing hooch, he's required to pass through the treatment mill. Although … If you can imagine driving the entire length of …
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Former homeless man starts ministry to help people on the streets

Filed under: drug rehab centers in las vegas

Maine Bill's Proposed Fetal Exposure Guidelines Generate Controversy

Maine Bill's Proposed Fetal Exposure Guidelines Generate Controversy

Filed under: drug abuse help centers for pregnant women

"An elderly woman came up to me and said, 'Do you know what I do?' And I said, 'No ma'am. … Ann Dorney, a family physician who practices in Skowhegan, asked whether the law would apply to mothers who, say, smoked marijuana before they realized they …
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New Iberia children learn about city's past to improve the future

Filed under: drug abuse help centers for pregnant women

Officials: W.Va. Pill Users Turning to Heroin

Officials: W.Va. pill users turning to heroin

Filed under: drug rehab centers in ct

21, 2013, at Marshall University's Forensic Science Center in Huntington, W.Va. … According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, West Virginia has the second-highest rate of drug overdose deaths in the nation. … a crackdown on pill …
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Quinn stands by decision to close 2 prisons, despite inmate crowding

Filed under: drug rehab centers in ct

Fitzhugh Seeks Compromise Through Amendments on 'Guns in Parking Lots'

Fitzhugh Seeks Compromise Through Amendments on 'Guns in Parking Lots'

Filed under: drug treatment centers in tennessee

Amendment 12—People – Exempts state prisons, local jails, alcohol and drug treatment centers, mental health institutions, hospitals and nursing homes from the bill. Amendment 13—Jobs – Exempts unemployment offices from the bill. “We are very …
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One-third of 802 TN child deaths were 'probably preventable'

Filed under: drug treatment centers in tennessee