alcoholics anonymous

How Do I Get Drug Addiction Information Mailed Anonymously?

Question by jessieleigh: How do I get drug addiction information mailed anonymously?
My family lives with a drug addict. He’s done meth for years. He is actually a very productive addict, but a addict none the less. It seems that nobody in the house wants to do anything about it, or say anything. They just turn their cheek. So I was wondering if there are drug treatment programs that send free info, pamphlets, whatever in the mail for free. I could put his name in. Maybe the light in their head will turn on and people will stop ignoring his problem? I want to do it anonymously. Thanks for any help!

How Can Addiction Hotline Help My Cocaine Addiction?

Question by Robert: How Can Addiction Hotline Help My Cocaine Addiction?

Best answer:

Answer by Daniel
It is not impossible to be free from cocaine addiction, but the road to recovery certainly is not easy. Cocaine addicts who have reached the breaking point can begin their journey to recovery simply by picking up the phone and calling an addiction hotline. If you are battling cocaine addiction, the first question that would probably come to mind us..(866) 785-9714

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NJ 2-1-1 To Serve As Home Heating Assistance Hotline

Getting Paid to Quit May Work for Some Smokers

Getting paid to quit may work for some smokers

Filed under: addiction help hotline

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – During a single year when the Dutch government covered the costs of counseling and drugs to help smokers quit, calls to a national smoking-cessation hotline rose 10-fold, and the number of smokers in the country dropped …
Read more on Chicago Tribune


Turkey: Phone Hotline Gives a Voice to Victims of Police Violence

Filed under: addiction help hotline

Is Alcoholics Anonymous More Effective Than Cognitve Behavioral Therapy?

Question by abnjim5: Is Alcoholics Anonymous more effective than Cognitve Behavioral Therapy?
Much debate exists about which model is more effective in treating the problem of drug addiction. Some say AA is the only treatment that “works” while others choose the more human friendly non-religious CBT. AA uses rigid spiritual concepts based on their 12 steps and conducts their AA meetings on strict formats that were written seven decades ago. In AA “labels” like alcoholic are used which still holds a high degree of social stigmatism. Cognitive Behaviour programs like SMART (self-management and rehab treatment) sees substance abuse as a behaviour that can be changed, not a disease. CBT self-help methods are solidly based in comtemporary science and open discussions are encouraged. AA tells it members and “newcomers” that they need to find a higher power or god and relying on “self will” is bad and will lead to relapse.

Are There Any Drug Treatment Programs for People Who Have No Money and No Health Insurance?

Question by Annfes: Are there any drug treatment programs for people who have no money and no health insurance?
My son and I live in Massachusetts and he is addicted to pain killers. It’s destroying his life and I don’t know what on earth to do!

Best answer:

Answer by Nikki L
How old is your son? If he is under 18 he automatically qualifies for medicaid, if you cannot afford other health coverage. They pay for drug treatment in most states.

What do you think? Answer below!



I Am Looking for People to Write Some Anonymous, Real Life Stories About Drug and Drink Addiction…?

Question by : I am looking for people to write some anonymous, real life stories about drug and drink addiction…?
I am looking for people to write some anonymous, real life stories about drug and drink addiction. Where is the best place to look on the net??

Best answer:

Answer by Officious Seeing Eye Byatch
Alcoholics Anonymous – the “Big Book” has lots of stories and you can find them online I think

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