alcoholics anonymous

How to Write an Article (About Addiction)?

Question by Me , Myself & i……………..: How to write an article (about addiction)?
Can you help me write an article about addiction?
There’s this writing contest in school and there’s gonna be money for the one who wins…. the article is about addiction… I just have to win this contest to get the money (i’m collecting money to buy something and there’s only 200$ left and if I won it will be easier)…. i want to write in a style that will take their breath away, and most important, make me win
Please help.. thx

Best answer:

How Is Alcoholics Anonymous Funded?

Question by Deena: How is Alcoholics Anonymous funded?

Best answer:

Answer by vanamont7
I wouldn’t be surprised if in a left handed way Jack Daniels had something to do with it. Alright. John. John … Daniels.

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Killing Cancer – New Brain Cancer Treatment Targets Tumors – Targeting brain tumors with enough anti-cancer medication is no easy task. But Stefan Bossmann and Deryl Troyer at Kansas State University are developing a n…


Help With Drug Abuse?

Question by rarely: Help with drug abuse?
I’ve been sober from cocaine and dope for about a week now because I keep relapsing…I’ve been sober in alcoholics anonymous for a year and a half about two years ago, but this time around I can’t seam to do it…I’ve been going to meetings but they all suck around here and I dont favor the people, I have no network of young people to help me out or any way to go to meetings out of town…I’m really hating myself because I can’t seam to get any significant help

Best answer:

Drug Rehab or Alcoholics Anonymous?

Question by V: Drug rehab or Alcoholics Anonymous?
When is it better to go to rehab rather than just AA meetings, etc.

Best answer:

Answer by J W
nobody likes a quitter

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What Percent of Rehabilitated People Actually Are Cured?

Question by Maryy: What percent of rehabilitated people actually are cured?
ok so this is for a project….
does anyone know what percent of rehabilitated people get out and dont do the same mistake agian??? (i.e.- they would use drugs daily, went to rehab, then when they got out they quit completly)
i searched yahoo, google, and ask jeeves. i did all of my project and this is just a small part of it wich isnt really gonna be graded so keep your useless coments to yourself

Best answer:

Answer by raysny
Rehabs often claim amazing results, but the reality is less than spectacular.

What Success Have You Had With in Patient Drug and Alcohol Treatment?

Question by antonia_deamicis: What success have you had with In Patient Drug and Alcohol Treatment?
I have a 19 year old son that has been taking most everything he can get his hands on for 7-8 months now. He says he has no addiction, just likes to “experiment” and when he isn’t on anything he’s too depressed to deal with life. I am scared to death that I will be burying him one day. The biggest issue right now, he is INSANE when he’s straight. He has no off switch at all, and talks and talks and talks so endlessly about all of his knowledge and opinions on everything that I can’t have a single thought of my own in my head because he will NOT SHUT UP! I feel desperate to get him into in patient, he is doing outpatient right now, it’s not enough. Thoughts from people who have gone through inpatient or have walked a loved one through it?