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Filed under: drug addiction treatment act

If you think that you do not know anyone with a mental illness or addiction chances are you may be wrong. Often times we think that people with these diseases will “look” a certain way or “act” a certain way. What many do not realize is … mental …


Gina Rodriguez: The D-List Diva

Filed under: drug addiction treatment act

Could I Afford to Live Comfortably in New York City With This Occupation and Income?

Question by PER92: Could I afford to live comfortably in New York City with this occupation and income?
I am hoping to become an Urban Planner. According to, the average salary for those with 20 years of experience is US$ 97,250. How far out from New York City would I have to be to live comfortably on that income? Could I live comfortably in Manhattan, or Brooklyn or Queens?

Also, is it common for people to start out living maybe an hour away from NYC somewhere in the metropolitan area and then as their income rises move closer in over time?

What Side Affects Could Happen From Mixing Adderall and Suboxon?

Question by Hippie Chick 92: What side affects could happen from mixing adderall and suboxon?
Someone I know ate less than a querter mill. of a suboxon strip and probly 8 mg of adderall. A few hours later they started to get a really bad headache so they layed down. Though the headache was better a few hours later got up and started puking and the headache got worst. Could this be from mixing?

Best answer:

Answer by I don’t know!
It could be they both raise your blood pressure.I found this about mixing them:
Can you take suboxone and adderall?
Ads > Wiki Answers > Categories > Health > Can you take suboxone and adderall?

Mental Health Care in Georgia?

Question by Muse – Viktor’s Mommy: Mental health care in Georgia?
I have a brother who is a diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic and is also bipolar. He had a psychotic episode back in the beginning of the summer when he took ecstasy; it caused a bad chemical reaction which made him have to be hospitalized in the mental health ward of the local medical college here. After a week of being there, he was released.

How Can I Help My Son Who Doesn’t Want Help? He Has No Goals, How Can I Motivate Him?

Question by strawberriesilove: How can I help my son who doesn’t want help? He has no goals, how can I motivate him?
My 17 yr old son suffers from mental illness. When he was younger he had ADHD, ODD and was learning disabled. As he got older he only got worse. By the time he was 14 yrs old our state’s laws (PA) gave him the right to refuse treatment. Ever since then he has flat out refused all attempts to help him. Counselors, social workers and educators have been unable to reach him. Family and friends pleas to him have fallen on deaf ears. When he was home all he wanted to do was lay around, watch TV, use the computer, listen to music and eat. He dropped out of school in the 10th grade and has recently begun experimenting with drugs and stealing from me. Currently he’s in an in-patient drug rehab still refusing to cooperate with the program. As his Mom I am at my wits ends. I don’t know what else to do. He wants to come home but lacks even the most basic of skills to get and keep a job. If this were your son what would you do? Honest, sincere, non-judgemental replies only please. Thank you.

How Can I Help My Boyfriend Stop Doing Drugs?

Question by Just Wondering: How can I help my boyfriend stop doing drugs?
My boyfriend likes smoking weed and also does coke at times and I don’t remember what else.
He says he wants to stop, he asked for my help and I’m not sure how to help him.
He hasn’t done any drugs in about a month, because something is coming up.
He’s pretty much addicted, though. He gets tempted fast and his friends or the people he talks with aren’t much of a help. They always ask him if he wants to smoke.
Soooo, my question is.. How can I help him stop?
I really care about him, and I don’t want anything bad to happen to him.