alcohol rehab

Is There a Drug Rehabilitation Program Which Also Helps the Family of the Drug Abuser?

Question by lisa: Is there a drug rehabilitation program which also helps the family of the drug abuser?
After three years of negotiation, my friend’s brother has finally agreed to check into a drug rehab and the whole family wants to support him. Are there rehab programs which provide talks or seminars about dealing with a family member who’s into drugs?

Best answer:

Answer by the_only_solorose

this should lead you to your answers.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



What Is the Element Caesium Used For?

Question by undercover of darkness: What is the element Caesium used for?
and also, what is an atomic clock??

Best answer:

Answer by jeffh3000
Well Ceasium is used for several purposes both industral and medical.

Used in Petroleum exploration, Atomic clocks commonly use caesium-133, used in power production and electronics (Magnetohydrodyamic (MHD) power-generating systems, photoelectric cells, optical character recognition devices, photomultiplier tubes, and video camera tubes), medical and chemical (solutions containing it and other compounds are commonly used in molecular biology for density gradient ultracentrifugation, primarily for the isolation of viral particles, sub-cellular organelles and fractions, and nucleic acids from biological samples, Caesium salts have been evaluated as antishock reagents to be used following the administration of arsenical drugs and the treatment of epilpsy)

How to Get My Mom in a Drug Treatment Center for Free.?

Question by dee: How to get my mom in a drug treatment center for free.?
My mom is on drugs and have been for 20 years she needs help badly.My sisters and brothers are all grown up now and she has eight grand kids also.We don’t know where to start.Someone out there please help us,give me an idea of what we can do to help her.I know she has to want treatment herself.But is there a place that will hold her against her will?We really want help for her.
I”m located in Atlanta GA.

Best answer:

Are We Supposed to Feel Sorry for These People?

Question by JayBee: Are we supposed to feel sorry for these people?
Who is the spin-meister behind this story?

If you were a parent who REALLY cared for your children, why would you EVER put them in a situation where they could be separated from you?

This situation is NO DIFFERENT than a parent selling drugs risking they could be busted and sent to prison, thus being separated from their children.

The law is the law – you break the law, you must be prepared to pay the consequence.

Is the Us So Weak We Can Not Stop the Drug Trade From South America?

Question by big win: is the us so weak we can not stop the drug trade from south america?
allow me to help the not so deep. without drugs in america our economy would collapse. rehabs , prisons and jails would b empty. people of color may have a chance in life. i met a dea agent in atlanta and he told me the gov wants blacks to destroy themselves. think of all the jobs created by drugs. our gov is the biggest pimp drug dealer.i lived on both sides of the fence. born and raisede in glens falls ny hometown usa. now living in the city limits of detroit . apples to oranges.people who understand please help me understand.? if u r on the outside looking in please no comment

Woman Forced Into Treatment Challenges Wisconsin Law That Allows Detention

Woman Forced Into Treatment Challenges Wisconsin Law That Allows Detention

Filed under: drug treatment centers mn

After Beltran declined, social workers and cops got involved, the upshot being a court order sending her to Casa Clare, a drug treatment center in Appleton, where she was confined until October 4. Beltran, who is currently about 29 weeks into her …
Read more on Forbes


Synthetics cases drop, but effects still unknown

Filed under: drug treatment centers mn