Is There Any Kind of Rehab Type Place for People That Are Not Addicts?
Question by ***~***: Is there any kind of rehab type place for people that are not addicts?
Like a mental health facility that someone could go for a week or so that would consist of intensive therapy, like a drug/alcohol rehab would? For people on the verge of a breakdown or something?
Oh, and this is just a question, it’s not me I’m talking about.
Best answer:
Answer by Johnny Decca
If you really feel on the verge of a mental health crisis, see if your area has a women’s mental health crisis centre. You can usually refer yourself, although they will want to be able to contact your GP.
What Happen on 8/25/1986?
Question by kisha: What happen on 8/25/1986?
what major events happened that year to date
Best answer:
Answer by No Sympathy for Stupid
google august 25, 1986
cause I have no idea
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Drug Treatment San Diego | Alcohol Rehab San Diego | Drug Treatment San Diego – Receive counseling, sober living assistance, aftercare, detox, and more at Drug Treatment San Diego for drug, alcohol, and pha…
What Is the General/simple Definition of Business Culture?
Question by jdm: What is the general/simple definition of business culture?
what should the business culture for a drug rehab facility be?
Best answer:
Should Recovering Addicts and Alcoholics Be Allowed to Become Professional Addiction Counselors?
Question by mrb: should recovering addicts and alcoholics be allowed to become professional addiction counselors?
Best answer:
Answer by noninvultuous
…only if philosophers learning include lawyers purposes.
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Oklahoma City OK Alcohol Rehab Call (888) 444-9143 Alcohol Rehab Center Oklahoma City Oklahoma – Call (888) 444-9143 for Alcohol Rehab Centers Now 24/7 Help Discovering The Ideal Alcohol and drug Rehabilitation Centers The…
How Can I Baker Act Someone Who Has Just Moved to Florida? She Got Here and I Discovered a Huge Drug Problem ?
Question by Carolynne F: How can I Baker Act someone who has just moved to Florida? She got here and I discovered a huge drug problem ?
I need a good effective solution, I cannot send her back to state of origin (NO decent drug programs, called mental health there and asked, they laughed at me.) It needs to be here and it needs to be soon. Any Help?
Best answer:
Answer by Crazeddoglady
You need to contact the police for Baker Act. They have to be a danger to themselves or others though. If they are in possession of drugs and/or paraphenalia, they can be arrested too.
I Was Arrested in School for Possession of Marijuana Under Half and Ounce What Can I Expect?
Question by Juan Miranda: i was arrested in school for possession of marijuana under half and ounce what can i expect?
I’m 18 and I’m going through rehabilitation. I live in north carolina
Best answer:
Answer by Yon Mackglean
to be labled as a no good shiftless pot head ne’er do well . but dont worry there are plenty of us to go around . go tarheels !
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Charlotte Alcohol Treatment Centers (704) 665-1880 – Alcohol Rehab – (704) 665-1880 Serving the Greater Charlotte, NC area. In addition to our standard treatment and rehab programs,…