alcohol rehab

Can I Go to Rehab if I Am Not a Drug Addict or Alcoholic?

Question by bre: Can I go to rehab if i am not a drug addict or alcoholic?
Im 14 and i have a bad addiction….but not drugs or alchohal so can i still go to a rehab? in Florida
how about cutting

Best answer:

Answer by J B
First, it depends what the addiction happens to be. Next, if it is an unusual addiction, then there may be only a few places that have people trained to treat your particular addiction. You have to go for treatment where there are professionals trained in your specific addiction.

I’m a Thief, Can Anyone Tell Me Where I Can Get Some Rehab?

Question by magician668: I’m A Thief, Can Anyone Tell Me Where I can Get Some Rehab?
I noticed a while back that I have a problem with stealing. I guess it’s the rush I get when I do it. I convince myself I need (or want something) so bad that I have to steal it. I want to get some rehab help, here in North Carolina, but the only things I can find are Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centers. Where do I find some help?

Best answer:

Answer by ROMNEY2012
not sure about rehab, but u might be able to get a job with the obama administration

Whats a Nurses Opinion on a Drug Rehab Center?

Question by hmm: whats a nurses opinion on a drug rehab center?
its for coursework and i have to represent the views of a nurse in a debate about a drugs rehab center!
the center is near a school and i must considerate to other points of view but i must get my opinions across clearly and make the audiance think!
any ideas?
please help!
thank you
= D
why should it be allowed?

Best answer:

Answer by jonathan h

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I’m 17, Living in a Group Home in NY… I Want to Live on My Own Because I Have No Other Options, What’s Left?

Question by sarena: I’m 17, living in a group home in NY… I want to live on my own because I have no other options, what’s left?
I live in a group home with NY, I can’t go home and I want to live on my own, what are my options at this point?

Best answer:

Answer by georgie
get a steady job and start saving up money to get your own place.

if your in a group home im guessing its rehab? stick with it and stay off the drugs. dont leave until you are sure you are ready to stay off of drugs.

Cuban: NBA Should Discuss Allowing HGH Use

Cuban: NBA should discuss allowing HGH use

Filed under: drug treatment programs in dc

Cuban isn't advocating the use of the controversial drug but rather calling attention to what he sees as a dearth of research on the topic as it relates to athletes who are recovering from injury. His hope, which he shared in front of the league's …
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Holder Makes Justice System Reform a Personal Goal

Filed under: drug treatment programs in dc

Obama’s Real Views Are Questioned, How Can a President Be a Suspected Racist?

Question by joyce s: Obama’s real views are questioned, how can a president be a suspected racist?
His wife also is not “proud of America” until Americans started falling for his tall tales of change……. Bet they were surprized to find out how many white people voted for him?….. But now we know he has spent 23 years in a church that preaches allegiance to Africa, and black people.

Best answer:

Answer by Rev. Cleophus
They hate the USA. Let’s send them back to the Motherland where they belong!

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