What Is the Best Way to Handle Painful Corns on Toes?
Question by vaughgeran: What is the best way to handle painful corns on toes?
Best answer:
Answer by jjthinstrips
Corns and calluses can be long-term problems if you consistently wear shoes that do not fit properly. Even with good footwear, you may continue to have painful corns and calluses if there is some abnormality in your gait or foot structure that causes unusual stress on parts of your feet when you walk.
In most cases, you can help to prevent corns and calluses by wearing shoes that fit properly. In particular, choose low-heeled, comfortable shoes that have enough space around the toes. Wear socks to cushion any areas of unusual rubbing or pressure, and use foot powder to reduce friction.
Could I Have Mastocytosis or MCAS?
Question by Rusty: Could I have Mastocytosis or MCAS?
I have struggled with gastrointestinal problems for years: diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, weight loss, painful radiating abdominal cramps. I saw a pediatric gastroenterologist when I was an adolescent (I am now 22) and was checked for Crohn’s disease, ulcers, bacterial infections, etc. I am hypersensitive to foods (dairy, greasy or oily foods, high fat content foods) and sometimes get sick after heat and high activity exposure. Usually when I eat these foods, I get stomach pain that develops into diarrhea or nausea very quickly, sometimes before I am even done with the meal. I also was diagnosed with acid reflux disease and have unexplained bone pain and dizzy spells sporadically. When I was younger I used to get LARGE, red, itchy hives across my stomach area for unexplained reasons, but have not seen any in years. I was wondering if anyone has been diagnosed with systemic mastocytosis (particularly that affecting the GI) and would like to know how and if I should get tested for this disease?
What Are Some Entry Level Jobs in Mental Health/addiction?
Question by Aaron: What are some entry level jobs in mental health/addiction?
Hello, I’m planning pursuing a degree in psychology/behavioral health. Im also looking for a job that is related to my interest in helping people with mental disorders, addiction and emotional difficulties. Of course many of the jobs in this field need a BA degree or experience.
Im wondering if there are any entry level jobs with minimum to no requirements except doing well working with others with these difficulties while I take classes. If you know of any jobs that I can help others with these problems would you please give me a list and any suggestions? Thank you
Positive Mantoux, Child Care center…HELP!!!!?
Question by LeAnn S: positive mantoux, child care center…HELP!!!!?
I have a history of negative mantoux tests, decades. In mid-August I had a negative mantoux, and then last week I had a mantoux test for another job. I had immediate intense itching, eyes burning, scratchy, developed hives on my neck on the car ride home. I have gone to an infectious disease dr, they did AFB cultures, when can I get the results? My current job, started in September is at a daycare center, w/ +/-100 children and >100 families involved. Employees are not required to have mantoux tests in child care centers in MN. I am very concerned someone is spreading TB at the child care center, but the health dept. is not!! I have had very little contact with anyone other than the children and employees there. Kids (some adopted from russia, india, etc)and adults have been coughing since I started working there. Was it the allergic reaction that caused the positive TB test, or a booster effect, or? If you have kids in child care centers, make sure all workers are screened!!
It was a transdermal PPD Mantoux, not a multi-pronged test. Induration measured 22 X 21 mm. Adopted children from foreign countries are cleared by a physician in that country, not the U.S. MN is a state that no longer screens children, uless there are symptoms that would indicate the test. There are many symptoms of TB, but most common are cold symptoms and a cough that lasts greater than 2 – 3 weeks, sometimes blood streaked, fatigue, night sweats, low fever. How many times do you think doctors see children with cold symptoms? It’s just a cold, right?
My Husband Is in Rehab… I Had to Idea.?
Question by Beth: my husband is in rehab… I had to idea.?
My husband was admitted to a rehab facility 60 miles away from me on Friday after walking to his unioon representative and telling them he had a problem. I had no idea but he had been taking xanax that was prescribed by a doctor since august, was taking them before that by getting them off the streets and has been on prescription pain killers (i knew that) for about a year but he runs out about 2 weeks early and gets them off the street. He has had an emtional relationship with another woman for the last 2 months through text messaging… all kinds of stuff is coming out now that he is there. I am going to an al-anon meeting locally on thursday but am having a really hard time finding support for people with family members who are abusing narcotic prescription drugs. Does anyone know of any online resources?? I live in Indiana…