addiction recovery

What Ad Banners Are the Most Profitable From Comission Junction to Put on My Website?

Question by john joseph Addiction Help: what ad banners are the most profitable from comission junction to put on my website?
what are the best type of ad banners from comission junction to include on my web site that will make me the most money. my site is 80 pages and will be 700+ by the end of summer. i am building an an alcohol and drug addiction recovery self help site. thanks

Best answer:

Answer by friendlystranger65
Porn links.

Add your own answer in the comments!



Legislator's Log – Week of March 17, 2013

Legislator's Log – Week of March 17, 2013

Filed under: drug abuse help websites

The General Assembly has worked for several sessions to combat the growth of methamphetamine and synthetic marijuana abuse in Kentucky, but criminals keep skirting the law by changing the compounds used in the drugs they make and/or sell …
Read more on SurfKY News


Legislature ignores proposal for photo on benefit cards

Filed under: drug abuse help websites

Love in the Time of Durjoy Datta

Love in the Time of Durjoy Datta

Filed under: drug rehabs

The books' female protagonists are inevitably male fantasies, who wear very little (a “pleated skirt that ended inches after butt line” or a “glittery blouse held in place only by threads”), are back from or headed to drug rehab, and resigned to Botox …
Read more on New York Times (blog)


Drug Recovery: 4 Tips for Maintaining Sobriety after Treatment

Filed under: drug rehabs

How Can I Get My Dad to Stop Drinking?

Question by Est: How can I get my dad to stop drinking?
He drinks a lot of wine and beer. Me and my mother asked him to stop this summer and he got to the bottle within two weeks. He gets drunk almost every day now. He doesn’t get violent, just hurtful and sometimes acts like he’s not there. He’s a different person when he drinks. He’ll usually drink a bit with dinner and then drink more in the kitchen without telling us and gets waisted. If anyone mentions it to him, he pauses a few seconds and tries to avoid the question as to if he drank extra or not. Always is the answer yes but then he gets passive aggressive and irritated.
Sorry that I posted it in the Religion and Spirituality just no one seems to be on the other subforums. And please don’t say “Find Jesus/Mohammad/Kristna” because he’s an atheist.

Review: Newsman Returns to Detroit to Report on a City in Despair and Consider

Review: Newsman returns to Detroit to report on a city in despair and consider

Filed under: drug addiction help washington

The author and his family are not immune from the broken homes, drug abuse, alcoholism, prostitution and violence so commonplace in the city. We follow LeDuff as he lands in jail following a drunken scuffle with his wife. And we tag along when he …
Read more on Washington Post


Cissy Houston 'In Good Spirits' On Anniversary Of Whitney Houston's Death

Filed under: drug addiction help washington

Is It Legal for States to Allow Drug Addicts Who Happen to Be Doctors to Practice Medicine?

Question by humpty dumpty: Is it legal for States to allow drug addicts who happen to be Doctors to practice medicine?
Read a news article yesterday that all 50 states currently protect the identity of doctors who are drug addicts and alcoholics; California just past a law to stop protecting their names. I would like to encourage everyone to write their Congressman, it could be your child, or another love one that one of these quacks is providing medical services.

Best answer:

Answer by ChoirCutie
I hope not!!!!!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!