Health Professionals Getting Hooked on Michael Jackson Drug Propofol
Health professionals getting hooked on Michael Jackson drug propofol
Filed under: drug addiction treatment
Many of the patients started using propofol to help them sleep, but they quickly became addicted to the drug. Most sought addiction treatment within a few months of starting to abuse the drug, while five patients entered treatment after a single …
Read more on The Courier-Journal
Casa Palmera Treatment Center to Host Renowned Addiction Physician and …
Filed under: drug addiction treatment
How Do I Become a Counselor?
Question by : How do i become a counselor?
I would like to be a therapist or counselor for people with drug addictions, family matters, domestic violence or something of that sort. What kind of schooling does that require?
Best answer:
Answer by Mally
you can go to college for that but if u want to be more more successful you can go to univirsity after highschool or college then univirsity
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Double celebration for organisation
Filed under: addiction help for families
Galena Biopharma Reports Year-End 2012 Financial Results
Galena Biopharma Reports Year-End 2012 Financial Results
Filed under: drug treatment centers in minnesota
In 16/26 NeuVax treated patients with at least two CTC measurements, the CTCs decreased during the time of treatment, corresponding with an increase in the patients' E75-specific CD8+ cytotoxic T-lymphocytes (killer T-cells) and an increase in their …
Read more on GlobeNewswire (press release)
What surgeons leave behind costs some patients dearly
Filed under: drug treatment centers in minnesota
Needle Exchange Demand Soars in Cape Breton
Needle exchange demand soars in Cape Breton
Filed under: addiction help for families
"There's a real war on drugs in those communities, and it makes life very difficult for people who are using drugs to gain support from fellow community members." Porter said she hopes to reduce the stigma associated with drug addiction on First …
Could Pope Francis fit a popular progressive poem?
Filed under: addiction help for families