abuse prevention

Do You Consider Abuse to Be a Social Problem? Why?

Question by …Nancy.?: Do you consider Abuse to be a social problem? why?
–Whether its domestic, physical or mental abuse..

Best answer:

Answer by Lila
it is tolerated and that makes it a social norm. the norm is the problem.

Add your own answer in the comments!



Happiness Speaker Drug Abuse Prevention Trainer – Happiness Speaker Drug Abuse Prevention Trainer http://www.PaulFDavis.com/substance-abuse-preventon-speaker ([email protected]) 70 nations touched w life-c…


I Have to Do an Essay About Drugs and Alcohol and How Today’s Teens Are Familiar With the Facts and Dangers?

Question by Lisa: i have to do an essay about drugs and alcohol and how today’s teens are familiar with the facts and dangers?

Best answer:

Speech on Drug and Alcohol Abuse?

Question by Rachel: speech on drug and alcohol abuse?
i have a speech due tomorrow on ways to prevent drug and alcohol abhse in the us, and forgot about it until now. i need to have a thesis, three ideas with an explination, and a conclusion. im panicking, my mind is completely blank, and i have no idea ehat to do! help me please!

Best answer:

Answer by Guy B1
I would search on the website about! drug related stuff it’s all on the internet. you can’t miss anything all the info is on it that’s what makes it so great interesting facts.

Attention Getter for Teen Drug Abuse?

Question by Adrienne: Attention getter for teen drug abuse?
Doing a speech on Teen Drug Abuse need an attention getter for the class and can not come up with one. My thesis is the types, effects, and preventions.

Best answer:

Answer by DMTrippin
teen drug abuse has been on the rise over the past decade because drugs are awesome

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Underage Drinking & Substance Abuse Prevention – This video was created to show the effects of underage drinking and substance abuse prevention. The statistics shown are relative to the U.S.. I created this…

Solutions to Child Abuse?

Question by JessicaLauren;: Solutions to Child Abuse?
I am writing this ten page essay about Child Abuse. And my third chapter has to be my solution for it. I can’t really think of any solutions. There really is none. I mean, you can’t have the law living with you, making sure you don’t abuse your child. So, i have listed some preventions. But can anyone give me some feedback? It would be greatly appreciated. This is an intense topic. I just need some solutions. Please and thank you in advance. 🙂
I don’t need to know what to do AFTER the abuse. I need ways to prevent it BEFORE it happens.
See, this is where i am struggling. I can think of multiple ways to help after the abuse, but it is very hard to find ways to prevent it before abuse. I need some help. Anyone?

Conservatives: How Can You Be Against an Authoritarian Government and for the War on Drugs?

Question by josh: Conservatives: How can you be against an authoritarian government and for the War on Drugs?
The Burns act signed by Reagan which allows local police to acquire military weaponry such as fully automatic assault rifles, grenades and even tanks for the purpose of drug enforcement.

Stop & Frisk made Famous by Mayor Bloomburg in NYC but has been enacted in nearly every inner city in the country. Clear violation of your constitutional right to be protected against unlawful search and seizure