Substance Abuse?

Question by sendzik04: substance abuse?
Can someone please tell me why substance abuse happens

Best answer:

Answer by Pookeygirl
There are many factors contributing to substance abuse. Genetic predisposition is one. If your parents were addicts, you are at higher risk.
Chemical imbalance in the brain can cause addiction. Problems with serotonin and other neurotransmitters can make a person have an addictive personality.
Peer pressure and trying to fit in with others is a contributing factor.
Ethnic background or religious beliefs in the way a person is raised.
Environment plays a role in addiction. Poverty is a common reason for some people to abuse substances.
Life experiences can cause a person to turn to substances. Someone who has had a lot of bad problems and can’t cope.
Social anxiety can cause a person to abuse substances so they are more comfortable around others.
There are probably more, but above are a few. Hope this helps

What do you think? Answer below!



Drug abuse pictures before and after – So sad how can people do this to themselves


From Twitter:

Contingency Mngt in Community Programs Treating Teen Substance Abuse – Feasibility Study – by Prison_Health (Prison_Health)

From Twitter:

We don’t have a substance abuse problem, if anything we have a Subway abuse problem, we destroy 5 dollar foot longs #Blake – by zachc3na (Zach Tracy )

From Twitter:

@GLENNjamin__ how about how you annoy me lol it’s a poetry book the first series is domestic violence and substance abuseby RobynDaCradle (Robby Lockstina)