Should I Take Codeine if I Have a Drug and Alcohol Addiction?

Question by Christian: Should i take codeine if i have a drug and alcohol addiction?
Hello i have had a history of drug and alcohol addiction. My friend told me i should take Codeine to help me to quit. Should i? can you tell me if you have any advice

Best answer:

Answer by Zach
No, that’s the dumbest idea ever. Codeine is even more addicting than alcohol and has worse affects on you if you do become addicted. And since you just said you have a history of drug abuse, that is an even worse idea.

Plus, I don’t know where you live in the world, but in most places it is pretty difficult to get Codeine. So even if you were going to try this, it would be much too difficult to get enough of it to last as long as you would need it to.

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