SASD Awarded $2500 for Twitter Campaign

SASD awarded 00 for Twitter campaign

Filed under: drug abuse help for teens

The idea behind the message was revealed at a pep rally — the #mynorm hashtag was created to allow students to share their social norms to show that most teens don't abuse drugs or alcohol. (See our previous article that includes pictures and thoughts …
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Nicollet County drug collection program takes in more than 200 pounds of

Filed under: drug abuse help for teens

Take is to the Box traces its roots back to Northfield, where a task force on youth alcohol and drug use heard of an increase in prescription drug abuse by the city's young people. Joan Janusz, who was on the task for during the program's …


Who audits the auditors?

Filed under: drug abuse help for teens

The IRS spent over 4 million taxpayer dollars on a conference in 2010, CNN reported Tuesday evening. The actual amount wasted is unknown because the IRS was not required to keep its receipts, something that they require taxpayers to do.
Read more on Daily Caller


From Twitter:

RT @nidanews: Teens in grades 8-11: Join NIDA’s Teen Advisory Group & help shape drug abuse prevention materials: – by BACODA_Texas (BACODA)

From Twitter:

RT @Ms_Bandoni: @gobluechs Teens in grades 8-11: Join NIDA’s Teen Advisory Group & help shape drug abuse prevention materials:… – by gobluechs (Cumberland High )

From Twitter:

RT @volunTEENnation: #Teens (grades 8th-11th) Join NIDA’s Teen Advisory Group and help shape drug abuse prevention materials @NIDAnews: h… – by BGCofWhittier (BGCW)