Rise in Pets as Therapy for Mental Conditions

Rise in Pets as Therapy for Mental Conditions

Filed under: drug treatment centers in pennsylvania

Some owners of emotional-support animals say having the pets allows them to reduce how much medication they take. But ESAs also have spurred controversy, in part because some airlines and … Still, the pool of studies that have been done increasingly …
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Breakthrough by Temple researchers could lead to new treatment for heart attack

Filed under: drug treatment centers in pennsylvania

(Philadelphia, PA) – The stop and start of blood flow to the heart during and after a heart attack causes severe damage to heart cells, reducing their capacity to function and potentially causing their death. But a recent study led by researchers at …
Read more on EurekAlert (press release)


Vets, pet owners demand to know: Why can't FDA solve jerky treat mystery?

Filed under: drug treatment centers in pennsylvania

Morales is among thousands of frustrated animal experts and pet owners nationwide who say that if problems with Chinese-made jerky treats are obvious to them, they should be obvious to the Food and Drug Administration, the agency that oversees pet …
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