Petitions to Keep Starbucks Stores Open: Craziness or Caffeine Addiction?

Question by Good?Gyrl: Petitions to keep Starbucks stores open: Craziness or Caffeine Addiction?
I read in the Wall Street Journal that there are groups around the country circulating petitions and calling Starbucks’ headquarters trying to stop them from closing stores. Are they insane? Coffee is NOT that important. I think it’s ridiculous! They have more than enough stores – for example, Chicago and NY: you can’t walk 5 city blocks without finding at least THREE or more Starbucks stores. I think it’s insanity. Do you think it’s time they closed, or are you sad?

Best answer:

Answer by TX2step
Doesn’t bother me one way or another:) …. except for the employees who will be out of work……

What do you think? Answer below!



A SHOT AT ADDICTION WITH MISS TILA NYC (no sleep + meth = crazy) EDITION – For some strange reason this got deleted from Miss Tila’s account. Maybe it’s because she is high as a kite? Someone better help her before “Jane” attacks again.


Don't Let NYC Out-Tribute Philly on Our Own History

Filed under: addiction help nyc

In New York City last month, his Four Freedoms Park—designed in honor of Franklin D. Roosevelt back in 1974—finally opened to the public. The New York … Homelessness and drug addiction are a part of the urban landscape, of course. On its worst day, …
Read more on Philadelphia Magazine (blog)


LGBT Youth Center in NYC Wiped Out by Sandy; Ex-Convicts Disenfranchised

Filed under: addiction help nyc

Located half a block from the Hudson River, the Center, which provides crucial resources like meals, showers, clothing, medical care, HIV testing and treatment, and mental health and addiction services for homeless LGBT youth, is uninhabitable and …
Read more on Campus Progress


New York News | NYC Breaking NewsCos. walk a tricky line with endorsements

Filed under: addiction help nyc

It stood by Woods after the golfer admitted to a string of infidelities and had a brief stint in a rehab treatment facility for sex addiction. Nike even made a TV commercial that alluded to his problems, with Wood's deceased father's voice saying: "Did …