Painkillers Paved Way for New Addicts

Painkillers paved way for new addicts

Filed under: addiction help with suboxone

After addiction rates soared, Purdue Pharma L.P., the maker of OxyContin, and three of its top executives pleaded guilty in 2007 and paid a $ 634.5 million fine to state and federal agencies and individual patients for misleading the public about the …
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BioDelivery On Track For Mid-Year NDA Filing

Filed under: addiction help with suboxone

BioDelivery Sciences (NASDAQ:BDSI) is on track to file a new drug application with the FDA this summer for its Bunavail treatment for opioid dependence, one of two Phase 3 candidates in its product pipeline. "If all goes according to plan, in mid-2014 …
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Viewpoint: We Need to Rethink Rehab

Filed under: addiction help with suboxone

These drugs have proved so effective that Steve Shoptaw, an addiction specialist and psychologist in the department of family medicine at UCLA, says, “I won't treat opiate addicts unless they take Suboxone.” Most researchers agree that no single …
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