The Most Successful Treatment Program for Alcohol Abuse and Drug Abuse?

Question by : the most successful treatment program for alcohol abuse and drug abuse?

Best answer:

Answer by Sarah
Rehab or therapy

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


Running Into Old Friends at an Inpatient Rehab Program?

Question by that Kid: Running into old friends at an Inpatient Rehab program?
Weird situation: I have a friend who is mandated by court to attend an inpatient rehab program for a variety of reasons. We are very supportive and he will be attending shortly, except he’s been worried because he just found out for a fact that an old “friend” who is also a drug abuser, will be present at the same place. They have some kind of bad history between them. I want my friend to be successful w/o unecessary obstacles, any suggestions?!?

Best answer:

Info on Elizabeth B. Ford?

Question by poplock06: info on Elizabeth B. Ford?

Best answer:

Answer by pbcforlife22
She was the Presiden’ts wife. She was cool.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


Are You Not Aware That Obama Wrote About His Crack Addiction?

Question by susanmarie: Are you not aware that Obama wrote about his crack addiction?
in his book?

All of you who said the poster of the crack question is lying need to get to know your candidate. At least, read the books he has written about himself!

Best answer:

Answer by Star3143
Who cares? We all make mistakes! Besides, he’s done more with his life than you’ll probably ever do!

Give your answer to this question below!



Whats a Good Name for a Book That Shows the Harshness of a 13 Year Old Girl Living an Abused Life in the City.?

Question by me: Whats a good name for a book that shows the harshness of a 13 year old girl living an abused life in the city.?
she is 13. she lives in chicago. she has a harsh life. her father dies in the war, and her stepfather abuses her. she gets into sex and drugs. she realizes the true harshness of life. whats a good name for this book.
also, what should the girl’s name be?

Best answer:

her name should be Jamie Kay Jones
and the name of the book should be Keep your head up or Bruises

What Can Be Done About Prescription Drug Abuse in America?

Question by sticking to faith: what can be done about prescription drug abuse in america?
just a broad question to get various answers please dont be rude or crude

Best answer:

Answer by ajtheactress
One thing that I think would have a huge impact is if prescription drug companies where no longer allowed to advertise their products in magazines and newspapers. People see an ad and think “oh, maybe I need that drug!” and hound their doctor into giving it to them. Advertising makes people think that using a drug or product is normal and desirable which is something that directly leads to prescription drug abuse.