Dealing With a Shopping Addiction?
Question by BossHogg R: Dealing with a shopping addiction?
How do you deal with a spouse who 1.) Has a shopping addiction 2.) Won’t admit it 3.) Won’t go to cousiling about their problem….
When I tried to talk to her about it she became extremely angry and said Im just trying to controll her…. It has become a monthly occurance for her to drain and overdraw our bank accounts from shopping. We spent a year sacraficing to pay down her 8k in credt card debt so we could buy a house, only for her to turn around and amass 12k of of new credit card debt in less than 5 months! Im at my wits end… she won’t get help. What should I do? Is it time to start thinking about moving on?
Danforth Center's “Conversations” Series Continues
Danforth Center's “Conversations” Series Continues
Filed under: drug treatment centers in st. louis mo
St. Louis, MO, March 29, 2014 –(– The Donald Danforth Plant Science Center's “Conversations” series will continue on Thursday, April 3, 2014 with a reception at 5:15 p.m. and program at 6:00 p.m. at the Danforth Center, 975 N. Warson Road …
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Kevin McCormack Joins DailyDAC LLC
Filed under: drug treatment centers in st. louis mo
How Can I Get Out of Pornography Addiction and Masturbation Habit?
Question by Rahat: How can I get out of pornography addiction and masturbation habit?
I am 21 years old. I first watched porn when I was 13, and since then, I am a porn addict. I masturbate so frequently, almost every day. I can’t control myself. I can’t concentrate on my works, study, anything. I feel like I am losing my hair because of excessive masturbation. I feel less stamina at work, tiredness stays with me all the way. It became a threat to my relationship. My girlfriend is a very decent and conservative woman. And because of that I kept all my sexual urges to myself, masturbation is my only way out. My viewpoint became uglier, I started treating every woman as a sex object, as a result, relationship is getting problem. It’s been 8 years I have been into this, and now I want to get out and lead a normal life. Please help me out.
How Much Is DUI Class in Cook County IL?? Please Help?
Question by monkey: how much is DUI class in cook county IL?? please help?
i need to know how much the DUI class is in cook county illinois so i can have the money ready when i go in??
Best answer:
Answer by tod m
call a few.
What do you think? Answer below!
METH in Illinois, Part 2 – Methamphetamine use in central Illinois is growing. In part two of our series, Cheryl Silver of CU-Citizen Access, talks with a former addict about hoe he’s …
Would DHS Put a 16 Year Old in State Custody Because of a Parents Drug Abuse?
Question by Ashley: Would DHS put a 16 year old in state custody because of a parents drug abuse?
My little brothers got put in state custody and now live with their father out of state because of my mother and my grandmothers drug abuse. My mom got limited visitation with my littlest brother also but they left me with my mom saying that I could pretty much take care of myself and was responsible enough to pay attention to her. She got out of rehab in June and right away started using again. I wasn’t sure whether she was using needles or just popping pills until two days ago I found 2 used needles, a spoon with burn marks on the bottom, and a baggy with white residue in it. I also intercepted our electric bill yesterday and we owe 470$ on it due to past due balances but she has been telling me all her money has been going to our bills. I am graduating this year, just got a job, and have a wonderful boyfriend and friends. I am in no danger and she has been doing this stuff for years and years but I feel like I should report her to DHS because that is the responsible thing to do but I am not willing to give up everything I have worked hard to have in my life because she wants to be a stupid junkie. Will DHS put me in foster care (I live in Oklahoma) if I report her do you think? Or should I wait until I am able to move out to report her?
I Want to Work in a Addiction Treatment Center?
Question by Mark S: I want to work in a addiction treatment center?
I only have a GED what must I do to get a job at a treatment center for drugs and alcohol. I was an addict and now have 12 years clean and want to work as an addiction concealer doing classes and give assessments so I need collage but don’t know what courses to take here in washington state
Best answer:
Answer by Steve
I believe there is a certificate program for drug and alcohol counseling. Make an appointment with a counselor at a local community college and get info on the track you need to take.