Mandatory Minimum Sentencing in NJ- Can It Be Avoided?
Question by Jody: Mandatory minimum sentencing in NJ- can it be avoided?
A dear friend of mine had to appear in court today on shoplifting & drug possession charges. His case was postponed because he had to apply for a public defender, because it’s his 3rd shoplifting charge and his 3rd drug charge so he is facing the possibility of mandatory minimum jail time. He is already on probation & parole for his previous charges in other towns, has successfully completed a community service program and is currently in an outpatient drug rehab program for probation 3 times a week. All of his charges are almost or over a year old; he completed a 6-month inpatient rehab program back in March and has been clean & sober for nearly 1 year now. He holds down a steady job and is very active & enthusiastic in a 12-step recovery fellowship, overall an extremely responsible & productive member of society today. So I guess my question is this: given the circumstances and the fact that he’s doing so well now, is there any way my friend could get his charges downgraded and/or avoid the mandatory minimum jail sentence (i.e. with more probation, community service etc)? I mean, would the PD be able to plea bargain it at all and/or would the prosecutor/judge have any kind of discretion whatsoever?
How to Recover From a Lost Childhood?
Question by Ophelia: How to recover from a lost childhood?
Ever since I was 9, my life has been going downhill for me. I was adoptedd at 10 months because my mother was a dug addict and diabetic, schetzofrenic, and poor. My father was unknown. My parents told me when I was about 8 or 9. I began stealing from my family, having little run aways, and having sex with boys my age at nine years old. At 10, I was molested by my brothers friend who was 16, and my 22 year old couisen, what seems very close to every day for about a year. In the 7th grade, my friends in school outed me for being gay, without my consent. I was bullied all the time, harrased, chased after school, threats and rocks thrown at my house… untill the 9th grade, where I started fighting back, and eventually was kicked out of school. That’s when I really started getting bad.
Whatt Dose Everyone Know About Pcp, Its for a Report in College.?
Question by jt: whatt dose everyone know about pcp, its for a report in college.?
I’ll print your name with the citations, and i might use quotes, but i want to know about the history, and the effects of pcp, and the recovery after deciding to get help. if u dont want me to use your name, tell me and i’ll just put user in your place, i’d like some real life experience. thanks
Best answer:
Answer by AlexK
It was created during WW1 in China when they were under attack by Godzilla. PCP was used to kill Godzilla and bring Chairman Mao back from the dead.
Getting Help for My Sister (Rehab)?
Question by ariel: Getting help for my sister (Rehab)?
My sister is a combination of things…
Drugs, Sex, Alcohol, and according to the police arrest suspected for prostitution.
My sister does not have a job has no future planned out and she is a high school dropout. The only thing good in her life is the roof over her head.
Myself and my brother are tired of her stupidity and want to get her help but don’t know how to go about that. Should we have her see a psychologist before rehab and see what they suggest?
What Are Some Drug Addiction Centers in Orlando Florida?
Question by Justin N: what are some drug addiction centers in orlando florida?
Best answer:
Answer by itsjunglepat
Bridges of America- one in a very bad area of Orlando and one in Sanford. These are on court-ordered only basis for non-violent criminals.
Veterans’ service which can be contacted thru the Winter Park outpatient clinic.
Center for Drug Free Living – CDFL- detox & rehab center, the best program that I know of, but space & wait times can be difficult to impossible to endure.. not to mention the irony of having an ABC liquor store across the street from the detox center.
There’s a few other limited-time livein facilities, some being religious in orientation. Recovery House in Sanford- men only, Christian based 407-323-5857-one year commitment
There are numerous counseling centers.
CDFL should be able to give you more detailed info.
Are There Any New Treatments for Migraine Headaches?
Question by Carandy1: Are there any new treatments for Migraine headaches?
I started having Migraines at 15. By the time I was 20 I was having them everyday. They just vary in pain levels; sometimes I have the full blown; pounding, cant, eat, sleep, nausea, light sensitivity etc. Where all I can to is hide in a dark, quiet room with an ice bag on my head, these can last for 3 days. While other times, it is moderate pain that I can treat with pain medication and be able to somewhat manage the day. I never drive while on narcotics. (I just don’t want that to be an issue)