Christians: What Would Jesus Do in This Situation?
Question by blue moon: Christians: What would Jesus do in this situation?
Basically my best friend is a drug addict and hes in jail and is still using drugs in there as well which I just found out. Should I tell his family hes doing drugs in jail because they keep giving him so much money and hes using it for drugs, I know this. Also, would Jesus still be his friend and stand by him & help him to get clean?
Or would Jesus cut ties with him?
Please give scripture to back your answer.
Best answer:
Question by nicole l: Addiction…..?
hi, I have an addictive personality. I have the feeling I may also be bipolar. They say that most addictive personalities are caused by sudden trauma or loss on a family or friendship of the carrier. That happened to me and now I cannot stop thinking about it. My addictions are strange, they vary from people (celebrities) to dreams to bands to songs to movies to places to ideas to memories to foods to other not so healthy things. I know that this is wrong, but everything I’m told doesn’t help, please help me. I think I’m bipolar because I will go from incredably happy to such a low I try to kill myself. I don’t open up much to people, but I feel somewhat annomyous on the internet, though I’m not. I sometimes get incredably paranoid and I can’t control it. I do not want attention, simply answers. Thanks for reading.
Child Care Position…………..?
Question by Angel0fDarkness: Child Care position…………..?
so i will soon be starting a child care position. what are some things to have on hand to appear professional and serious?
Best answer:
Answer by frockney
Yes, learn all about adoption from these sites:
Adopted ‘children’ are disproportionately represented with learning disabilities and organic brain syndrome. (Schecter and Genetic Behaviors)
Mental health professionals are surprised at the alarmingly high number of their patients who are adopted. Studies show an average of 25 to 35% of the young people in residential treatment centers are adoptees. This is 17 times the norm. (Lifton, BIRCO–Pannor and Lawrence)
What Does Drug Cross- Dependence Mean?
Question by sarah: what does drug cross- dependence mean?
Best answer:
Answer by Mathieu
It depends- there are several possible definitions:
1) Cross-dependence (also known as cross-addiction) means that a person is “addicted to everything.” Sometimes in an AA or NA meeting, for example, a person will say “I am (name) and I’m cross-addicted.”
2) Cross-dependency is also a theory in addictionology (not the same as addiction psychiatry or psychology) that a person who addicted to one drug (alcohol for example) can become addicted to any drug if they use it. Another view some take is that (to continue with the example) an alcoholic will not necessarily become addicted to amphetamine but by using another drug of abuse it will eventually lead the person back to their primary addiction, alcohol in this case.
Is Narconon an Effective/safe/trust Worthy Rehabilitation Process?
Question by Erin: Is Narconon an effective/safe/trust worthy rehabilitation process?
Recently my parents sent my brother to a Narconon rehabilitation center in Michigan and now that he’s been there for a few days we found out it was connected to Scientology. We’ve discovered it has had a lot of controversy (like being a fraud for getting members) and he’s had some complaints of odd treatment like staring into someone’s eyes for thirty minutes. Before we sent him there they even said they weren’t Scientologists.
What Is Drug of Abuse?
Question by franzel: what is drug of abuse?
Best answer:
Answer by deogee
Drug abuse is taking any medication, prescriptions or non presciption drugs , or illegal drugs more than prescibed by your Doctor. Or just plain doing illegal drugs period. Taking more of anything in excess…..
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