Our Own Icelandic Saga

Our own Icelandic saga

Filed under: drug addiction help websites

The community, led by Gerrard, a fifth-generation Icelandic-Canadian on his mother's side, and other members of the Icelandic River Heritage Sites, raised $ 40,000 to commission the statue. Jonina Jónasson Britton, 97, … The decision was made to help …
Read more on Winnipeg Free Press


Clients say halfway house neglected, exploited them

Filed under: drug addiction help websites

"Come join us in recovery!'' ¶ So urged the Web ads for Peachford House, a halfway house program in Clearwater that promised to help people addicted to drugs and alcohol. ¶ Peachford would put them up in nice apartments, find them work and support …
Read more on Tampabay.com


Adopt-A-Family: Young mother conquers addiction to be reunited with son

Filed under: drug addiction help websites

… counties need help this year. Donors may adopt at nvcss.org or make cash donations on the site. Adoption deadline is Dec. 9. … After a long history with drug dependency, Johnson successfully completed a rehabilitation program 2½ years ago and has …
Read more on Record-Searchlight


From Bath Salts to Spice and Beyond—Elucidating Emerging Drugs of Abuse

Filed under: drug addiction help websites

According to Andrew Penn, RN, MS, Spice, Bath Salts, and Salvia are emerging drugs of abuse, with patients increasingly turning to these agents. Since their legal … Originally synthesized by Merck in 1912 as they were looking for an agent to help …
Read more on Psychiatric Times



Why I help addicts shoot up: Interview with Meera Bai, Christian nurse & harm reduction advocate – Put in simple terms harm reduction is meeting people where they are at. In the homeless service’s space harm reduction also means being sober is not a requirement for services such as housing. My recent visit with Donny in Calgary [bit.ly is a near text book example. Donny was drinking and using on the streets for over 20 years, but when he got into housing and was given some dignity Donny got sober all on his own. But Donny was also lucky. He never really got into very hard drugs, so it was easier for him to get sober. Often this is hard for ‘normal’ people to understand but there is a point where drugs take over a persons life. They lose all reason and self-worth. Their whole existence revolves around getting another fix. Often this path takes a person down an unthinkable path of self-destruction. People end up doing things to survive that are horrible. HIV , Hepatitis C, and drug related deaths become a very serious public safety issue for all of us. One story I heard from a few different people is addicts using puddles of urine to “fix” their heroin. The thought makes me cringe, but I know what drugs did to me when I was heavily addicted. I needed drugs more than I needed air and would do anything to get them. My second city in Canada was Vancouver and I spent a day in Vancouver’s Downtown East side. [bit.ly have always wanted to visit a “wet shelter” (a shelter that provides alcohol) to see for myself. I call myself a ‘liberal redneck’ so although I do lean towards a