No Compassion

No compassion

Filed under: drug treatment programs in san diego

She's on her ninth chemo drug, and it's stopped working, says Dr. Marin Xavier, Reid's oncologist. … In 2008, after a disgruntled employee tipped them off, the San Diego and Carlsbad police departments launched an investigation of Reid's business …
Read more on San Diego CityBEAT


US FDA approves Janssen Biotech 's Simponi for treatment of ulcerative colitis

Filed under: drug treatment programs in san diego

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Janssen Biotech, Inc.'s Simponi (golimumab) for the treatment of moderately to severely active ulcerative colitis (UC) in adult patients who have demonstrated corticosteroid dependence or who have …


The Zacks Analyst Blog Highlights: Genomic Health, Sanofi, Regeneron

Filed under: drug treatment programs in san diego

The launch of the prostate cancer test, developed in collaboration with University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) and Cleveland Clinic was based on the disclosure of positive clinical validation study at the 2013 American Urological Association …
Read more on Sacramento Bee



Crosby Centers – Changing the Brain – Advanced Drug Rehab in San Diego – The Crosby Centers is a dual diagnosis combined, a complete treatment center. It is a premier credited drug rehab and behavioral…