NJ Lags in Program to Ensure Drugs for Psychiatric Patients [The Record

NJ lags in program to ensure drugs for psychiatric patients [The Record

Filed under: drug treatment programs in prison

10–In New York, psychiatric patients with a history of refusing prescribed medications, but who are not so sick that they require hospitalization, can be committed to an outpatient treatment program under a law passed 13 years ago. In all, 44 states …
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Ex-school employee sentenced for providing drugs

Filed under: drug treatment programs in prison

Roberta Kondo of Nampa could be eligible for probation in less than a year if she successfully completes a treatment program designed for prisoners with substance abuse issues, prosecutors said. Otherwise, she faces a maximum of five years in prison.
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Former Nurse Could Avoid Prison Time For Fraud

Filed under: drug treatment programs in prison

Whisner will also have to finish a drug treatment program. If she does not follow the terms of her probation, she could still be sentenced to up to 9 years in prison. Investigators say Whisner called in a prescription for 160 vicodin pain pills. They …
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Senate President Pro Tem Perata’s prison reform floor speech – (For more, visit www.sen.ca.gov The Senate passed legislation today to increase prison beds, expand treatment programs for inmates and parolees and reform corrections management on a bipartisan 27-10 vote. AB 900 uses lease revenue bonds to generate .4 billion funding 53000 prison beds and expansions of rehabilitation programs. In addition, the measure sets a long list of conditions for the Department of Corrections to meet to eliminate gross mismanagement and improve rehabilitation, counseling, drug treatment and mental health programs. The provisions are aimed at reducing the state’s high recidivism rate.