National Sport Centre Set to Be Built in Edinburgh to Help Produce Scotland's

National sport centre set to be built in Edinburgh to help produce Scotland's

Filed under: addiction help for families

Garry Owen on betting on the St Leger · To let the side down would be a bit like having Pavarotti and Maria Callas for parents and ending up in a boyband" … AS our addiction to the cyber world reaches epidemic proportion, SHARI says we need to make …
Read more on Scottish Daily Record


Firms spend B on gifts employees don't want

Filed under: addiction help for families

… as an adjustable slimming belt – could be seen as the perfect reward for someone with a doughnut addiction,” says Susan Adams, the director of engagement at Dittman Incentive Marketing, a firm that helps employers develop employee-award programs.
Read more on MarketWatch


Judge: 'We are winning' in fight against drug abuse

Filed under: addiction help for families

She then urged others to “climb on board and help us fix this problem.” Chris Lutz, executive board member and a co-founder of the group, told a personal story of her son's heroin addiction. “What I found is the power of people coming together,” Lutz said.
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Six Skills for Families Affected by Addiction – This brief video provides an overview of six skills to help families and significant others who are affected by a person who has a substance abuse or addicti…