My Girlfriend Got Busted for Buying Oxycontin on the Street? How Much Time Can She Serve and What the Bond?

Question by fallen_angel_1200: My girlfriend got busted for buying oxycontin on the street? how much time can she serve and what the bond?
she got caught by an undercover cop yesterday. she has a prescription for oxycontin but she still buys more off the street. i know where she is at but i cant get a hold of her. how mich time can she serve and what to do expect the bailout/bond to be? (this is in chicago)

Best answer:

Answer by Sham W
Maybe you should consider a girl friend who isn’t a drug addict???

Maybe you should ponder what kind of life you’ll have (God forbid if you have kids) if you are connected with a drug user.

Just thinking out loud here…..

What do you think? Answer below!



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