Moving Forward

Moving forward

Filed under: drug abuse definition

During a recent tour of a facility to be established as a rehabilitation centre for female substance abusers in Dash Valley in the parish of St. George, Minister Inniss stressed the need to place mental health issues more firmly on the front burner and …
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Which new state and federal laws will affect your family?

Filed under: drug abuse definition

Both the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the National Institute on Drug Abuse have stated that marijuana impairment testing via blood sampling is unreliable. This law isn't measuring just impairment; it measures any use. Regular …


No, AP and Politico, It Isn't About 'What Hobby Lobby Says'; It's About What

Filed under: drug abuse definition

(Look up one of the definition of "tyranny," — "arbitrary or unrestrained exercise of power; despotic abuse of authority." — and tell me why a government possessing such discretion wouldn't be an example of it. Good luck.) The AP … Any drug or …
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Former Narcotics Detective Russell Jones on: “The War on Drugs” – (HIGH DEFINITION) – Click on Russell Jones’s, (above), website to get a signed copy of his new book: “Honorable Intentions.” Russell Jones has been involved in the “War on Drugs” on various fronts for 40 years. For 10 of those years Russ worked as a San Jose, California narcotics detective. Later he was assigned to a DEA-run task force. As a government intelligence agent, Russ worked in Latin America observing narcotics trafficking during the Nicaragua-Contra conflict. In academia, he conducted studies of the impact of drug abuse on the crime index, wrote training programs for identifying the psychological and physiological symptoms of narcotics use, and developed rehabilitation programs designed specifically for the court-mandated client. He has traveled throughout the former Soviet Union and China to study their drug problems and policies. In the field of drug rehabilitation, Russell implemented and taught courses for various California and Texas counties, as well as for privately run programs. Russell is a court-recognized expert (on both the federal and state levels) in the field of narcotics enforcement. His journey to the Soviet Union made it clear to Russell that the “War on Drugs” cannot be won. “Drugs were prevalent even behind the Iron Curtain,” he reports. “If a country, as controlling of its citizens as the Soviet Union was, still had such a large a problem – drug-dealing on Moscow street corners, meth labs in Leningrad – how could a free society such