Men Preferred; Trying to Help My Husband….?

Question by Nicole: Men preferred; trying to help my husband….?
Come off his addiction to smoking pot. He’s doing it for all the right reasons, FINALLY. But he had done it so much it was ridiculous. As soon as he woke up he’d do it. Immediately after work, then every hour he was home. He was so hooked on it he wouldn’t go anywhere or do anything until he smoked. I tried for years to get him to quit but I knew the only one who could truly get him to stop was himself.

He has finally decided to quit for good, saying it was “getting to him”. It’s been 3wks but he gets light headed& goes to bed very early now. I’m talking 8pm. So I was wondering if anyone else has ever been there/done that& what helped u come off it easier? I even thought about baked goods, maybe the sugar would help replace it? Not worried about making him fat, lol he’s too skinny as it is, he could use a few pounds. But that or anything else, any advise would be appreciated.

Best answer:

Answer by devonian Rodders
Try seeking advice from a drug abuse helpline.

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