Maybe It's Your Legs

Maybe it's your legs

Filed under: drug rehab treatment programs

The patient comes in for treatment and leaves feeling better, only to show up again to repeat the whole process. This happens … One day, she decided to finally mention this to her general practitioner, who gave her an anti-inflammatory drug. It felt …
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A mother's lost battle with fentanyl

Filed under: drug rehab treatment programs

What if there was more funding available for treatment? What if? … Some family members don't know the life was cut short by drug abuse, and it's a choice to keep it that way to avoid the stigma of addiction. The woman figures … The committee also …
Read more on The North Bay Nugget


Youth advocate wants Yukon mental health centre

Filed under: drug rehab treatment programs

Andy Nieman says the current outlook for youth with mental health or addictions problems is bleak: a long wait for diagnosis and treatment, thousands of kilomteres away. "And then the children and youth, because there's no services, they turn to …