Marijuna Consequences in Illinois?

Question by Sam: Marijuna consequences in Illinois?
Yesterday I was arrested for possessing a bowl a grinder and about 7 grams of marijuana, I’ve never been arrested before or have had any tickets for anything. It’s my first offense and I really don’t want to go to rehab or drug counseling because I know I don’t need it. I am an occasional pot smoker not a crack addict. I am also about to turn 18 in a month and the cop told me that it would be put on my juvinelle record, I don’t need anybody coming on here telling me I’m stupid for smoking so please don’t bother answering if your not trying to help me out. Can anyone tell me what kind of consequences I’m looking at????

Best answer:

Answer by Frank
I don’t know why you put this under immigration
you will never be traveling overseas with a drug conviction
or get a good job

probably a fine and probation

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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