Kerfuffle Over Marijuana Claim

Kerfuffle Over Marijuana Claim

Filed under: Drug Treatment Centers Illinois

Last November, Colorado and Washington voted to legalize recreational weed use in their states, and Illinois recently became the latest state to legalize the drug for use as a medicine. In a speech at the American Bar … PolitiFact, which fact-checks …
Read more on Scientist (blog)


Stiff prison sentences aren't a magic cure for crime

Filed under: Drug Treatment Centers Illinois

… Holder acknowledged as much when he told the American Bar Association in San Francisco that the federal government will scale back stiff sentences for some drug crimes and divert low-level offenders to drug treatment and community service programs …
Read more on Chicago Sun-Times


Elgin mayor should resign from Mayors Against Illegal Guns

Filed under: Drug Treatment Centers Illinois

I was both alarmed and disappointed to receive notification from the Illinois State Rifle Association that you were a member of Mayor Michael Bloomberg's MAIG! Of course, you know in this group's efforts to take away the Second … In recognition of …
Read more on Elgin Courier News



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