Keep Taking the Pills

Keep taking the pills

Filed under: drug abuse treatment cost analysis program

Expand. Prof Rod Jackson says the increase in prescription use from about age 45 reflect the bodies' response to an accumulation of abuse. Photo / … For Government drug-buying agency Pharmac, it adds up to a major funding headache: about $ 200 million …
Read more on New Zealand Herald


Sen. Don Benton's bill mandating drug tests for welfare recipients is

Filed under: drug abuse treatment cost analysis program

groceries.JPG Those opposed to Benton's bill say welfare recipients use drugs less than the general population. File photo. A Washington bill that would require some welfare recipients to take drug tests and enroll in treatment plans to receive …


Top Judge Says Bail in New York Isn't Safe or Fair

Filed under: drug abuse treatment cost analysis program

Judge Lippman's proposal is in line with trends across the country to overhaul bail so that it is based more on an analysis of the risk that defendants pose to public safety, rather than their financial well-being. … “I'm a human being, and I should …
Read more on New York Times


WWE NEWS: Why Bruno Sammartino's Hall of Fame Induction Legitimizes WWE

Filed under: drug abuse treatment cost analysis program

WWE has a comprehensive Talent Wellness Program that has been in place since 2006 which includes cardiovascular testing, medical and wellness staffing, annual physicals, substance abuse and drug testing and health care referrals. WWE strictly prohibits …



Is The War on Drugs “All About the Money”? – Stephen Downing,a retired deputy chief of police for the Los Angeles Police Department and Terry Nelson, retired from Department of Homeland Security on why they support treating addiction as a health problem and are for the total legalization of drugs


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19 Responses to Keep Taking the Pills

  • MrCobra811 says:

    Is the jurnalist? on drugs or what?

  • PureLoveEnergy says:

    when you prohibit something all you are doing is? creating criminals and creating cartels and making criminals rich, and you? cannot tell me the gov doesn’t understand this, we tried? prohibition in the past and it didn’t work yet we are still doing the same exact thing but why? why would the gov intentionally create criminals and intentionally keep criminals in bussiness?, the answer is simple the war on drugs is much more profitable then legalization,

  • John Anderson says:

    I wonder if the politicans listen to these men. It’s the old thing, the management makes the rules and the workers implaments it and? finds out what clusterf%$k it is.

  • trichometrist1 says:


  • slyla007 says:

    Correction: $1.6 billion not $1.2 million- That’s $65,000/year x25,000 people = $1,625,000,000/ year for non violent drug criminals.? Thank you for speaking up. How can we have prisons for profit but we can’t have schools for profit? The money seized in drug busts would be well spent educating the public on why we must vote to end drug prohibition.

  • john doe says:

    It comes down? to control for the federal government and money for the large corporations that have products that would be affected by the legalization of marijuana. That is the simplest form you can break it down into.

  • chao129 says:


  • toosweet241 says:

    pure and simple? all I see is racist white man who subject 1 of the 12 tribes or to the tribe of Judah meaning black people Negros and is the car meaning Mexican people haven’t you noticed that people of color around the world are subjected to racism because they are God’s chosen people

  • toosweet241 says:

    it’s a shame how you say myth making you believe you use your own mind for a chance your whole race as a nation is based on myths start by looking at yourself first and you? will find the answer to your lies

  • lsk464 says:

    OK, so overall I like what these guys had to say but i’m pissed that this will never be shown on the MSM and that it has taken this long for it to be shown at all.? This truth has been know for decades.

  • lsk464 says:

    amazing the wake up these 2 ex-cops are now willing to talk about but I’m sure they were on board? with the war on drugs while they were on active duty

  • lsk464 says:

    so it took? you 30 years on the force to figure this shit out. if so you suck as law enforcer. now you are willing to talk because you are retired, are all LEAP representatives only the retired officers? Is it illegal for active duty officers to stand up for the failed war on drugs?

  • steve barabick says:

    He is right all? the way,don’t drag ur feet on it,,,legalize it,,,

  • steve barabick says:

    Obama legalize it,,,

  • techcafe says:

    retired? cop demolishes the war on drugs

  • phdtobe says:

    This video should be watched by? EVERY citizen who still favors drug prohibition or is merely on the fence on the issue.

  • Flavio Sanchez says:

    We sell and deliver Oxicontin,Cheeba,coc, heroine, opium,? and other hot stuff any where in the world, for more info please send text to:(406) 272-6679.

  • phdtobe says:

    Awesome interviews. Lease share this with all of the older folks you know? who are still supporting the ridiculous War on Drugs.

  • Itsmeeman1 says:

    In the USA it’s 5 years for smoking pot. More if trafficking.
    In some Oriental countries it’s beheading.
    In the UK… it was never a crime to smoke it but a fine for trafficking or 6 months in an open prison.
    It’s not a war on drugs, it’s a war on your personal life-style choice, but mostly, it’s about who? controls the money from it.
    UK ran the Opium trade. The USA now runs the heroin and cocaine trade. Pharma/paper/oil/alcohol/tobacco/cotton industries run the suppression of the cannabis trade.

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